twin turbo questions

04 hotrod

sponsored by mastercard
Apr 18, 2010
hi i have a silver bullit 66 80 turbo and i was wondering what is the best kind of turbo to couple it up with?

this is not a pull truck it is a drag truck.
That didn't take very long for you to change your username.... And you were just asking the guy to talk to about it...:hehe:

Unless you are pretty good with a welder I wouldn't recommend a do-it-yourself approach but hey that's all we did and it seems to be working for us. But you should definetly put a 70 exhaust housing on that silver 66. They are a pig on a 6 leaker with the 80 housing and not very good at all.
they are hard to spool with the 80. and i am not a bad welder. i am good enough to tack it together then take it to my welder and have him finish it.
That didn't take very long for you to change your username.... And you were just asking the guy to talk to about it...:hehe:

Haha...Tyler, I noticed the exact same thing when i seen these three newest threads. they are nearly similar to the others from the other person from edmonton alberta canada also with a industrial 66/80 and a '04 truck. I kinda put two and two together and assumed it was the same person with two different user names, but why?
they are hard to spool with the 80. and i am not a bad welder. i am good enough to tack it together then take it to my welder and have him finish it.

Perhaps you should leave it your "welder" from star to finish. Tacking up is actually a pretty important step.