Two 6.7 ag motors for sale


New member
Oct 19, 2008
I have two 6.7 ag motors for sale, One motor is apart it is missing injectors, cp pump,rail,lines,pistons,rods. This motor had a rist pin clip missing from factory and rist pin worked its way out and scared cyl wall. Other engine is together minus injectors and cp pump, also has a burnt piston but unsure as to which cylinder. Neither of these motors have turbo. Both motors is out of Komatsu equipment. Anyone that has any ?s send me a PM

Thanks Jamie
Are these late model CR engines or the elusive 12v 6.7?
Still have them both?? Out of Case tractors I assume?

I'll take them both if they are still available


How's that for a about PM'ing me some info like location, and how/when I can come get them...that is if you want to sell them...

How's that for a about PM'ing me some info like location, and how/when I can come get them...that is if you want to sell them...


What are you trying to say Chris? Would you like to buy them?:hehe:
What are you trying to say Chris? Would you like to buy them?:hehe:

I think I do...I'm not sure though, my post may not be clear??

It's not like I haven't lost about 3 of these in tractors already...would be nice to have some parts laying here to build new engines from...

I think I do...I'm not sure though, my post may not be clear??

It's not like I haven't lost about 3 of these in tractors already...would be nice to have some parts laying here to build new engines from...


Sorry for the inconvience but you must have missed this part of my post.
(Both motors is out of Komatsu equipment. Anyone that has any ?s send me a PM.)
Sorry for the inconvience but you must have missed this part of my post.
(Both motors is out of Komatsu equipment. Anyone that has any ?s send me a PM.)

Oh sorry...apparently I can't read, and PM's only go one way...sorry I tried to buy something from you
