
Captain Negativity!
Apr 22, 2006
Firmware Revision Number:
X3 Enhanced: 1.2.110-3000
(file name: X3P_FORDv12110-3000-PRODUCTION.LWU)

SF3 Enhanced: 1.2.110-3015
(file name: X3P_FORDv12110-3015-PRODUCTION.LWU)

Tune Revision Number:
SF3 Enhanced: X3PTR121 (file name: X3PTR121.lfu)

Details of Firmware Revision Fixes:
Version 1.2.110-3000 and 1.2.110-3015 resolves several reported issues:
- Fixes SCP Not Recognizing Key On Issue.
- Prevents Incorrect Vehicle Error from occurring if updated before
initial use. (*Note: If device has already been used and Incorrect
Vehicle Error Occurs follow instructions listed below.)
- On device data logging changing eec_type when trying to identify SCP32
- Fixes Read Strategy Failed Error on SCP.

Details of Tune Revision Fixes:
- Adds Support for 2009 Vehicles.
- Fixes GT500 showing as "Mustang GT" on Vehicle Selection Screen.
- Corrects Issue of ETC trucks going into failsafe with P060x codes.

I know of a few 6.0L trucks that are encountering the incorrect vehicle error. Wanted to post this update.
Doug, call me when you can, im having problems installing the main X3 installer on my computer.
now im trying it on my dad's dell on XP and it can't find the Drivers!
I didn't have any trouble installing it on my laptop, and I'm running vista.
hmm shu, thats weird, that screenshot above is what i get when i try to install it on vista? Weird huh... We've got two vista machines, a mac and and XP machine, and the XP computer is acting up, it wont find any of the device drivers, so i have to go get my old Dell laptop from my grandmother and try it on that one. Dang X3 crap, wish they would have just kept the X2 like we have and wouldn't have had any problems. I feel bad because the race tune is stuck in my buddies truck and he has needed it to tow and still has stock exhaust and no gauges so he can't. Plus he hasn't been happy with the tune stuck in his truck. I wish we didn't have these problems, but what can ya do ya know?
