i know when i replaced mine it had washers on the bolts and it kept cutting the gaskets i took them out and replaced the grommets in my valve cover (was different than the truck with the o-ring) and tightened the bolt down til it bottomed out and havent had a problem yet. i think if you keep going and shim-ing the bolts or what not that it will keep cutting gaskets and cause it to leak. if its that bad i would put a washer under the bolt and tighten it down a little bit and see if it keeps leaking if so tighten it a little more til it quits or cuts the gasket. or find you some different thickness of shims and play around. :Cheer: hopefully you could find a happy medium.
the grey silicon rubber cummins uses is great if you replace the gasket every time you remove the cover (it swells a lot when it contacts oil) but i was hoping there was another way to do it
i will try the felpro black rubber gaskets next time
hopefully they are of a different construction making them reusable
i have had my valve cover off maby 6 times, still using the black fel-pro gasket from the first time i pulled the cover. never really torqued the bolts, just snugged them. never a leak...
I think ive got the same thing going on. I notice around the top of my head there is a light film of oil that keeps coming back. It also looks like it might be coming from the blow by filter (if thats what is on top of the valve cover)?