Valve springs?


single turbo lover
Jun 13, 2011
how hard is it to put valve springs in without removing the head i need new springs and i dont want to pull the head off.. has anyone done it?? ive heard horror stories!
Easy. Roll engine till tdc and do number 1 then continue rolling and doing each cylinder one at a time
Set engine to #1 tdc then do valves on 1 and 6 roll engine over to #2 on tdc then do 2 and 5 roll engine over to #3 tdc and do 3 and 4. easy way to make sure piston is all the way up is to insert a long 1/4 drive extension through hole for injector and watch it go up and down.
Yup it's easy.

I will say it's easy with a good tool. I did valvesprings on my 24V with the free tool from CPP and it was a real PITA. The next time I did valvesprings in a 24v I used the tork tek tool and it was much easier. A pen magnet and a pick or razor blade are your best friends
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