Variable resistor for cold weather timing jerk


Jan 19, 2008
Anybody know what range pot I need to put in series with the IAT to get rid of timing jerk? Haven't started looking yet, but something that is adjustable from 0 to whatever 150+ degrees would be would be great.

Or can anybody just tell me the resistance range of the IAT sensor?

there was a big thread about it on TDR a few years/months back.
I remember that thread...but no longer a member...I had a little chart made but I can not remember the values. I never installed the pot.

anyone here have access to TDR???? Can you cruise through that thread and find the chart I posted???
Found this. Looks like it's not gonna work :( Resistance decreases as temp increases. Maybe I could just wire a resistor in parallel on a switch.

Temperature Resistance
32° ...................30k to 36k ohms
76° ...................13K ohms
77° ...................9k to 11k ohms
81° ...................6.87K ohms
122° ...................3k to 4k ohms
130° ...................4K ohms
167 ....................600 to 675 ohms
212 ....................600 to 675 ohms
I hope someone familiar chimes in. A resister-switch to cancel the grid heater after the 1st hit would be nice.
I hope someone familiar chimes in. A resister-switch to cancel the grid heater after the 1st hit would be nice.

Put the grid heater relay on an oil pressure switch. Oil pressure builds, and then it drops them out.
I think opening the PCM to heater relay circuit will set a DTC.
But if the IAT sends a signal greater than 52F/whatever the resistance required, to the PCM, it won't try to cycle the heater.