Very BAD Engine Bucking


New member
Jul 1, 2006
A buddy stopped by the house and asked if I would drive his truck, (97 12v with the normal mods) out the road we went. Out of no were the truck starts bucking like you can't believe, almost like you were slapping the pedal to the floor then letting off in a very parid motion. Let of the pedal it goes away, give it more pedal it helps but the bucking is still there. checked the overflow valve spring-ok any ideas ?

The return springs on the throttle assembly missing? Fuel filter new?
Were any of these mods just performed or was the truck run for a while modded??
Ha ha, I've been here. Do a search under my name. The problem is much better but still there. Any fuel leaks happen to be present?
I had that when I installed my 370 Marine Inj. I was told I needed larger DV's but eventually I just learned to drive around it. Then after a while it stopped doing it so I have no idea why or how it got fixed, Although I have changed the timing a few times since then
What governor spring setup is he running? 3K or 4K?

My 4K's buck very badly in 3rd & 4th gear between 1700-2000RPM's if your just trying to "cruise around":bang

I've been meaning to find time to try and adjust them a little to see if I can make it streetable, or just pull the baby spring back out since I'm done pulling for a while.
The truck that oil burner s talking about is mine. It all started since i dd 100 horse injectors. Ive checked and double checked that all lines are tight. the bucking mainly starts when the converter is locked up. Its worse when i pullng my stock trailer, but now its starting to do it when im just cruising usually around 50- 60 mph. ive got 3k springs, I changed the filter not long ago, the throttle return spring is there.
The truck that oil burner s talking about is mine. It all started since i dd 100 horse injectors. Ive checked and double checked that all lines are tight. the bucking mainly starts when the converter is locked up. Its worse when i pullng my stock trailer, but now its starting to do it when im just cruising usually around 50- 60 mph. ive got 3k springs, I changed the filter not long ago, the throttle return spring is there.

Did you ever figure out the cause of the bucking?
I think, we went for a ride again. On a smooth road it is very hard to get it to do it, on a bumpy road it will do it all the time. I think it is just that the throttle is that darn touchie. Put a third return spring on to try and help, but no good. Any ideas

My truck does it, and last night I think i'm finding my transmission is going south which I think may be related (converter). If I find anything out I will report back!