Very important please read!

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I don't usually post up things like this, but there is a very significant fight in the Senate right now, and it needs your help. Whether you are on the right, left or in the middle, there is no fight more important right now.

I have a personal favor to ask each of you. There is a real threat to our future and that of our grandchildren by the corrupt practices our federal reserve bank uses based on the principles of fractional reserve banking. It allows rampant inflation, by almost unlimited printing of money and loans to corrupt corporations. This devalues your money every year. The scary part is that the federal reserve is not owned by the American people, but private investors, and has no oversight over many of their functions.

There is a bill that has passed the house( by an overwhelming majority) and is now in the senate called audit the fed bill. Harry Reid has vowed to not allow it on the floor for a roll call. Please do two things for me. 1.) click on this link to petition Mr. Reid to call for a vote on the bill and 2) PLEASE pass this on to anyone who will listen. After much studying in the last few months, I consider this one of the greatest threats to our personal liberty and our nations sovereignty.

C4L: Audit the Fed!

Oh, one last thing since the 1980s Harry Reid has been pushing to audit the fed, year in, year out. Last year he abruptly changed his mind I assume after being bought.

Harry Reid Was Before Ron Paul's 'Audit The Fed' Before He Was Against It [VIDEO] - Business Insider

It is sad that in todays society, things like this are footnotes to more stories like Kate Middleton's breasts, Paris doing blow and Kim K's new sex tape.

Thanks for at least reading this.

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Thank you!!!!

Everybody talks about higher taxes and oil prices raping the middle class, but this is by far much worse. If you had an increase in taxes of 15% per year people would riot, but de-value your $100 bill each year by $10-15 and nobody says much.
Thank you!!!!

Everybody talks about higher taxes and oil prices raping the middle class, but this is by far much worse. If you had an increase in taxes of 15% per year people would riot, but de-value your $100 bill each year by $10-15 and nobody says much.

Zach your exactly right.

It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once -- David Hume

"The trifling economy of paper, as a cheaper medium, or its convenience for transmission, weighs nothing in opposition to the advantages of the precious metals... it is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be abused, in every country in which it is permitted." --Thomas Jefferson

"Government is the only agency which can take a useful commodity like paper, slap some ink on it and make it totally worthless." --LUDWIG VON
Zach your exactly right.

It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once -- David Hume

"The trifling economy of paper, as a cheaper medium, or its convenience for transmission, weighs nothing in opposition to the advantages of the precious metals... it is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be abused, in every country in which it is permitted." --Thomas Jefferson

"Government is the only agency which can take a useful commodity like paper, slap some ink on it and make it totally worthless." --LUDWIG VON
A business partner of mine and I have been studying Von Mises and Hyack as well as the opposing Keynsian economics. Since the great depression, our government has been leaning towards socialism and Keynsian philosophy on economics, more and more. It is nothing more than thinly veiled socialism. During McCarthy's hearings, trying to root out all forms of communism in the USA, they kind of missed the forest for the trees, the greatest communist threat had already been implemented...... the Federal Reserve, and social security. But it was not until 1973 when the Fed was allowed to unpin the dollar from precious metals when the troubles amplified. It can be argued that the troubles we are currently in, are in large part caused by the fed's manipulation. Instead of allowing the economy to self correct, the pump tons of cash into the market to save from the small dips(recessions) and create larger dips(depressions).

I appreciate you guys hearing me out on this. I did not know how it would be received. If any of you are in Nevada and you sign the petition, you get a star by your name and 10% in good faith that you signed the petition. If PAC's and lobbyist can work that way, I will as well. Offer good for the rest of the month.

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Done. Nevada resident here, been wanting to see that clown out of office for a long time, he does nothing but hurt this state, not mention the rest of the country. Amazing how quickly they flip when things begin to float in their favor.
Done, we have to account for our taxes, why shouldn't they have to account for how they spend it?