Wanted: 3rd Gen Air Intake


Staff member
Jan 22, 2007
I need to get a new air filter for the truck. I'd rather spend that money on shipping for some used junk in any of you all's shops that you want to part with. I like oiled filters but not picky. I like the scooped boxes but no picky.

If anyone has an air intake box and filter that will fit an '09, and are willing to part with it for shipping, lemme know. I'd be very grateful. :D

"Tis the season to be Merry." ;)

I'll just leave this here....:hehe:

I'll just leave this here....:hehe:

And in the suggested videos......there is proven to be a bunch of ruckin' feetards in the world.

Kudos to a repeat of the water harp playin' raccoon....but points lost for the repeat of the jerks smokin' out the girl.

Helluva wanted ad. :hehe:
On topic, sorry, but I don't have any filter boxes for your era, Jory.

Yes. It is an '09 bed. Still gonna be several months I'm sure before I can turn loose of it unless I win the lottery.
No, no, no.
I don't care about the bed, ATM. ;)

I was asking about the FILTER assembly. :D
That is, if OEM will be good enough?

I'm trying to get rid of the OEM crap. I need to buy a filter pretty bad and figured I rather use that $$$ to pay shipping on a used filter setup someone didn't mind getting rid of. I'd like an oiled one, but hell, I don't care.

Just seeing what is out there for little cost. It never hurts to ask. :D
Sometimes I can be so blonde. :doh:

I don't have a thing that is aftermarket.

Bump bump bump.....

I have an AFE unit 75-81343 missing hardware. I don't know if it would work on the '10. All the plumbing, air box, filter seems to be there.
It may take an engineer to make it work??
I have an AFE unit 75-81343 missing hardware. I don't know if it would work on the '10. All the plumbing, air box, filter seems to be there.
It may take an engineer to make it work??

The great thing about it is....I have an '09. ::rockwoot:

Sounds great, Amigo.

I'll email you an order for some more junk since you are so kind. ;)
I think UPS sends things from PA to OK via Taxi through the state of Oregon and back. :hehe: Due in on Wed.

Does anyone have an AFE pre-filter layin' around they aren't using? :poke:
Should still make it in time for the party. I threw in a present for the Birthday boy even.