I'm finishing up ditching the lift on my truck and all i need now are the factory rear u-bolts. If anyone has a set, let me know how much you want for them. Thanks, Randal
Mutual wheel in Monmouth / Milan, Illinois. I will be over there tomorrow, if you get me specs I can pick-up a set. I'm in Galesburg if that helps. Last set for a 2nd gen were 45 bucks if I remember.
I've done alot of business with mutual wheel, i work across the river from them. Had no idea they made u-bolts, ill have to stop in there sometime this week. Thanks for the offer 95cummins.
I never reuse mine as well. I don't know if they have a website or not, but Dover Brake here in Ohio always does mine. Take one down with me and they always duplicate. If I remember correctly it runs about $30-35 here.