WANTED mild or fully built 47rh auto transmission

Jul 21, 2011
i have a 1995 dodge 2500 2wd cummings stock injectors and stock turbo but lookin to get something little bigger for a turbo......
injectors wize i was think 50+HP or something close to those nothing to crazy big
those cummings injectors are hard to find. :bang

how many fukkin threads are you gonna start in one day about the same sh!t?
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what does it matter is that wat this site is about learning info from other people and getting parts for your truck and stuff. Why is everyone giving me so much crap.
sorry im new at all this and just tryin to build a truck. Like really is this all you guys do it pick on the new guys like come on.
Like dude you shoulds for realz kno it b way easier to b talkinz if yous could read it, and like understands and stuff.

You want advice, here's the best you're going to get.

1. People treat you according to their perception of you based on how you present yourself, online and in real life.
2. You need to have a general direction of what you have and what you want it to do. You ask for a built auto, then ask about a stock auto for sale, then say you want to swap to a 5 speed. Figure that out first.
3. Once you get a general idea of what you want out of your truck, use the search function and try to educate yourself. I know this might be hard because education seems to have eluded you so far in life, but I believe in you.
4. Once you have searched, and most likely found your answer, but find yourself still without, make an intelligible post asking opinions and advice.
5. This one is important! If you already have your mind made up, don't ask for advice. If you already know best, it's best you don't ask for advice.

Too bad you didn't get the warm fuzzy invite you thought you would get, but with time and the will to learn you will hopefully fit right in. Just remember this is Competition Diesel.com and not holdmyhandtobuilda300hpturd.com and you should be good.