Waynesburg PA Pro Street w/vid 9/15

Very nice hook Kevin, but she still has some bounce to her. I brought home 5th place to the Mopar croud!
Distributor said:
How was the sled not consistant @ Waynesburg???

Give Bob a call and ask him. When he walks off the track cussing the sled I don't think I need to elaborate. If your trying to bait me in to say it favored one truck or another it's not going to happen. If you haven't seen the bad side of this sled you haven't hooked it. Even the scales they bring with it are inoperable.
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mech2161 said:
Give Bob a call and ask him. When he walks off the track cussing the sled I don't think I need to elaborate. If your trying to bait me in to say it favored one truck or another it's not going to happen. If you haven't seen the bad side of this sled you haven't hooked it. Even the scales they bring with it are inoperable.
I'll back you up on this statement that the sled has issues, but I feel that the sled was way better than the pulls at the Smithton hole. The scales are crazy. I weighed 7460# last night & 7240# at Smithton...no changes in the truck & I had a full fuel tank at the hole compared to half at smithton.

How could the greatest pull in the USA, Waynesburg, get THAT sled!!!!?!??!?!?!

That sled is haunting you, aint it Kevin?LOL

How was track maintenence? Track ok?
Gene it was the best pull by far that I ever attended. (besides the sled) They ran two tracks side by side. The big boys had the blue sled. Track condition was well maintained. The pit side track we were on was a little rough. Not too bad for never running down that side before. First time ever for side by side at Waynesburg. There was mention of a two day big event for next year. You guys need to hook up and run an east coast series.
I have been talking to Waynesburg for sometime, you never know what could happen, if Distributor gets off his keister and gets the job done.