We apologize for any inconvenience


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 24, 2006

We were out a few days last week, running errands and we have fallen a bit behind. If we have not replied to your communication (PM, email etc.), we ask that you please be patient. Our son is in the hospital and we need to spend time with him. We will respond as soon as possible and thank you for your understanding,

Vivian & DJ
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Best wishes to your son. We are all praying for a speedy, 100% recovery
nummit said:
Best wishes to your son. We are all praying for a speedy, 100% recovery

What he said :Cheer:
Best wish to him and you guys from Erin, the boys, and myself.

Let me know if you need anything.
Thoughts and prayers go out to your son and your family, wishing him a quick recovery.

Thank you Guys. We're back. We are very happy to say that he will be home a little later today and everything is ok.

Don't know what happened. On Sunday he was pulling a pressure cleaner to the yard and cut the back of his foot close to his achilles tendon. It was a small cut but would require stitches. He was pouring hydrogen peroxide on the cut and fainted. He then started having convulsions. I called Rescue and they chose to call an ambulance instead of my taking him in for the stitches because his blood pressure was very low, as well as his pulse being faint and slow. Then they diagnosed him with heart irregularities. They kept him for observation.

Since we were out a couple of days last week, I tried to work but it got to where I couldn't think anymore. Just wanted to stay with him although I tried to convince myself that there was nothing I could do. But there was ... I could comfort him.

We have fallen a bit behind on our replies. If we owe you a response, be sure you will receive one. We will be repying in the order received. Thank you for your patience and also for your good wishes.

Best regards,
Vivian & DJ :evil
Glad to hear he is okay Viv. Let us know if we can do anything for you guys
Glad to hear your bringing him home.
Take care of your boy, diesels can wait.

zukgod1 said:
Glad to hear your bringing him home.
Take care of your boy, diesels can wait.


Couldn't say it any other way.... Take care of the family first....
Great news Viv, take care, and we will see you when things calm down a bit