Weird growl from my brakes and powersteering


Captain Insano
Jan 22, 2007
I need some help figuring out a little issue that I'm having with my truck right now. A few months ago, back when it was still snowing and colder than hell, my powersteering and brakes started making a really bad growling noise......kinda like they were low on fluid. Well I checked the fluid and everything was fine. Well about two weeks later my powersteering just up and quit working.

Well this weekend I finally got around to putting a new powersteering pump on to see if that would solve the problem. It steers now, but still growls and groans especially when I push on the brakes. The truck can be idling...purring like a grumpy kitten, and the minute I step on the brakes it makes this noise. WHAT THE HELL IS IT? At first I thought maybe I had some major air in my lines, so I bled the powersteering and put some high dollar Valvoline fluid in it....and it still does it. I also put a re-seal kit in the vacuum pump too to take care of the leak I had.

Would the hydroboost be to blame? I'm kinda stumped on what this is and I don't really want to drive my truck until I get this fixed.
Hmmm. Mine quit growling when I changed the pump. It might be the hydroboost.
That's the only thing I can think of, cuz it steers great now but still has that damn growl. And then when I hit the brakes it growls VERY loud and it vibrates my leg when it's on the brake peddle.
Mine was doing that this morning, put some fluid in and it's quiet as a mouse. It's gotta be the hydroboost setup.
Any idea where to get a new one of them? Dodge dealer, or would a regular autoparts store be able to get one?
No clue man. I'd imagine that the autoparts store could get them.
Sweet man, thanks for the tip! I haven't had much time to dick around with it here in the past couple days so hopefully this weekend I can tear into it again!
