Welding CR Cummins head


Dec 9, 2010
What is the best material/rod to use to weld a crack on a CR Cummins head?
To weld cast iron, it needs to be preheated, kept at that constant temp, welded with a nickel rod, then a controlled slow cool. Then it would need re-machined to meet tolerances. Its a big process. Give the guys at Diesel Cast West a call. They are in Portland OR and some town in MInn. They are extremely reasonable on repairing heads. Hope this helps you out.
I'm not sending the head out for repair, going to do this in-house just wanted to know the best material to use to weld it up.
Pre heat, then use nickel rod, lay in small beads going about an inch at a time, as soon as you cut the arc get your chipping hammer and peen the weld hard, really hard. Cover with leather to slow the cool down.
yeah, that's interesting info. i do everything i can myself but i don't see myself doing my own head repair like that.