what do i need ? turbo or injectors


May 13, 2006
i did some testing at 2 a.m. yesterday , the highest setting i could go on my tst box was 4/3 with keeping the exhaust temps down below 1300' , i tried a few different setting and anything higher than 4/3 and i am over 1300' , so if i want to run anything higher what is my best bang for the buck with what i have on my set up ? its a daily driver , tow some in the summer time , and like to stand on it once in awhile, let me know your thoughts please,
p.s. my diesel man who i respect alot told me go bigger turbo , i just wanted some feedback also from other members on here , thanks
bigger turbo and get rid of that stock air box too. You've already got to much fuel which is whats causing your high EGT's, so work on getting more air now, then add more fuel later :)
ob1kobi said:
bigger turbo and get rid of that stock air box too. You've already got to much fuel which is whats causing your high EGT's, so work on getting more air now, then add more fuel later :)


New turbo and a nice Air filter.
Scott at mass diesel already told me that , i just wanted some more feedback and to see if anyone had a deal on a used one ? i think i am going to go with a 62/12 or a 62/14 , i have to see what would go with what i have done on the truck , any thoughts on which one to go with and why ?
Well ya need to decide where you want to go with the truck, do you want more power (bigger injectors) or do you just want to cool off what you already have and stay there. Deciding that now will save you money down the road, turbos can get expensive... Check the classifieds on the various boards for used ones but remember, buyer beware, check out who your buying from and try to make a wise decision cause when you buy it used, there aren't any refunds.

Scott knows what he's doing and he may even know of some used ones around, he hears about alot of that kind of stuff, so ask him also.

i know Scott knows his stuff , he has done just about everything on my truck , when i can t use my uncle's lift then i pay Scott to do it , he is a really nice guy and smart about diesels , i think i am going to go with a 62/12 or a 62/14 , i haven t made my mind up yet , whats the big difference between the two ?
sellufishman said:
I think I am going to go with a 62/12 or a 62/14 , I haven't made my mind up yet , whats the big difference between the two?

I can't vouch for the 62/12, but my 14 runs cool as a cucumber. Back in the fall when I put it on, I ran a load of hay to my father-in-laws. I grossed probably around 25K or so. I set the cruise on 70 mph, Edge on 2-2, and only saw over 1100F on a few hills. The EGT stayed around 1050F most of the time. Now, I can't say what the thing will do on a drag strip, but it will for sure cool your EGTs when it comes to long, hard pulls.

sellufishman said:
4x4dually , do you have a 6 speed or a 48 re ? and where did you get your turbo ?

6-speed. I got mine from FarmBoysDiesel. Gus made me a good deal. Tell him I sent ya if you call him. Industrial Injection had a great sale on them a month or so ago. Call them first. They were several hundered cheaper than when I bought mine. It makes a metric butt load of air and sounds good too. My wife really enjoys it....NOT!!!
LOL Like I advised ye in those PM's- Give Brady a shout... you have the toll free number LOL

And get a good intake air filtration system and ditch the stock box. Scott at MASS Diesel can get you both and I'm sure he can work out a nice package for both items.:rockwoot:
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