What gauges are actually needed?

Bad Moose

Just a pain in the arse
Oct 18, 2008
I am finally getting smart and getting a SCT X3 in the beginning of next year. I probally have my Evolution sold, and was wondering what gauges I actually need. I am a minimalist so only want gauges I actually need for quick troubleshooting. I am hoping to be able to get most information from the X3 for more troubleshooting. I am thinking about gauges or possibly saying the hell with it and keeping the Evolution setting it in stock and using the gauges on it.

I do not plan on doing alot of hauling with it. I do not race, pull, or do any stupid stuff with it. The truck is may daily driver and play toy only.
You don't need a boost gauge. Because if I hear the truck made 28psi last week and now its only 27 and the gauge doesn't have little lines for each psi I can only wonder about the mental state of that person. Trans temp will only be a concern if you do something really stupid like power brake the truck for minutes on end or attempt to actually tow the 747 down the highway at 90mph up an 8percent grade.
get a fuel pressure gauge...it may save your injectors if you get a tank of bad fuel...fun to watch with a tuner and stock fuel system too..
Water Temp. Oil Temp. Pyrometer for diag purposes.

Was thinking about this set up. I have been wondering the importance of comparing the water temp with the oil temp and how close the two should be. I read I alot about needing these to temps for troubleshooting egr cooler but never found what the correct temps should be.

Did not think I wanted the boost beause of the same reasons you stated in your next comment.

Any vendors have this set up available?

Thank you for your response
I like my boost gauge for when the turbo viens are sticking, I need a oil temp, fuel pressure and water temp next.

What are you guys running for fuel pressure? High (hpop) low or both?
Check with Chuck at New Era Diesel. They are vendors here. He hooked me up with my Isspro Performax series gauges. Hes a great guy to deal with!
I have run my truck for 5 years, and can honestly say I have never needed anything other than my EGT gauge, to let me know when to back it down. The rest of them are great to know what is going on inside of the engine and tranny, but NEED is relative, except the EGT imho.
I agree 100% with Doug(PSDPlayer) those are the three best gauges I have..add a fuel pressure and you would be set.
I agree 100% with Doug(PSDPlayer) those are the three best gauges I have..add a fuel pressure and you would be set.

I have been debating when I get my boost gauge back from autometer I might sell it and go with a fuel pressure gauge.... or hell get a under dash 3 gauge pod with water temp, oil temp and fuel pressure..... maybe HPO gauge for sh!ts and giggles ;)

maybe tim will speak up... i thought i saw his truck with a collection of gauges
Mine is an 03, and I have EGT, Tranny, Boost, Oil Temp, Tranny Temp, Diff Temp, and HPOP, then the TS MPD, with the EGT on the Heads up, my radar dectector has a volt meter built in. I look at the EGT mostly, and the oil Temp. If oil temp is OK, most likely the rest is good. High coolant temp = high oil temp quickly following. Tranny temp, waste of money unless you tow a bunch. Boost, I like to see whats going on. Diff = waste of money, again unless you tow a bunch. HPOP, great with larger injectors, stock, mostly a waste, but nice to have to diagnose an HPOil leak, or bad HPOP. I
I just wish somebody made a dash pod.... kinda like the ones to the 2000 or so super dutys.... Kinda like the idea
Egt temp is most important followed by oil temp and coolant temp. Fuel pressure and hpop pressure would be nice. According to most posts. Looking at doing overhead gauges above mirror so less clutter the better.

Are you able to use SCT X3 to read coolant temp, hpop, fuel press if you had it with you for troubleshooting or will it just read code and I am expecting to much out of it.

:poke:Still waiting on what coolant and oil temp correct relationship is.
If your coolant temp gets hot, your oil temp is going to get hot, and vice versa.

Agreed, but then why do people ask what oil temp is compared to water temp? When having egr cooler or oil cooler issues? It seems to me oil cooler would be fairly easy to troubleshoot oil in water, oil cooler, head, or cracked block. Egr cooler leaks not too sure on but over pressure in cooling system causing coolant too burp unless it was overfilled. Or am I all wet on this thought. :bang Sorry to be a pain, but I am learning alot from you guys but have been curious on these issues.
I am not being a smart ass, but I honestly don't understand what your question is. Oil temperature and water temperature measurements are related due to block temperature. Oi temperatures are usually indicative of a mechanical issue. Water temp issues on the 6.0 are usually due to flash boiling caused by the EGR cooler. You can obviously make the oil hot by running like a scalded dog or pulling a big hill, as can you make the water temp hot. Leaks are different all together, but can give an indication of either, or both.