What gauges are actually needed?

I am not being a smart ass, but I honestly don't understand what your question is. Oil temperature and water temperature measurements are related due to block temperature. Oi temperatures are usually indicative of a mechanical issue. Water temp issues on the 6.0 are usually due to flash boiling caused by the EGR cooler. You can obviously make the oil hot by running like a scalded dog or pulling a big hill, as can you make the water temp hot. Leaks are different all together, but can give an indication of either, or both.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, was not accusing you of being a smart ass. It is just me sometimes you :kick: to get it through my thick skull. I am used to working with coolant temp not oil temp and was looking for an explanation of the relatinship between the two. Thank you for your explanation.

Knowing this may be i can just do egr temp and oil temp and utilize my dash gange for coolant temp to keep everything in check.
I saw someone with an 05+ that had them mounted to the dash with these:
and they looked pretty damned good.

Thanks tim.

If i had the time.... I think it would be a piece of cake to carve up a dash pod form.... get a yard or two of carbon fiber and some epoxy... and voila.

shoot.... i bet some of the boat builders around here could do it if i gave them a form.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, was not accusing you of being a smart ass. It is just me sometimes you :kick: to get it through my thick skull. I am used to working with coolant temp not oil temp and was looking for an explanation of the relatinship between the two. Thank you for your explanation.

Knowing this may be i can just do egr temp and oil temp and utilize my dash gange for coolant temp to keep everything in check.

I didn't take it that way at all, no worries. Its EGT, (exhaust gas Temperature) gauge that you need, not EGR. Hell get rid of the EGR while your at it. LOL.
I didn't take it that way at all, no worries. Its EGT, (exhaust gas Temperature) gauge that you need, not EGR. Hell get rid of the EGR while your at it. LOL.

Darn fingers they have a mind of their own sometimes.

Wish I could delete egr and do head studs, but at times like this I tend to find it cheaper to stay married.LOLLOL