What if...............

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Did anybody think about how making this a 1/4 mile race, is going to limit the track options?
A theory is essentially a hypothesis..... when you clearly missed that I gave you a conclussion so the 2 aren't equal!

Nonetheless the principle of my statement you clearly missed so please go reread! If you need help Google the compressor maps for yourself!

Ok schnookums!:homo:

Could the level of intelligence of this site be repaired with the removal of this jack wagon??

But for real just choose the turbo and allow them to use whatever turbine housing and don't allow switching of covers. Just leaves room for someone to try some shady ****. I run a club where we pump the gas engines for engine displacement and the have a sealed tag that goes between oil pan bolts to not allow the pan to be pulled and all we have to do is check the tag. The tags could easily be adapted to the comp cover V-band clamp, tight enough to keep the cover from being removed, but loose enough that the nut could be loosened to clock the housing.
Would trucks with in between sized turbos be able to run in a larger class, say someone shows up with a s369, would they get bumped to the 3.0 class and told good luck little buddy?

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Would trucks with in between sized turbos be able to run in a larger class, say someone shows up with a s369, would they get bumped to the 3.0 class and told good luck little buddy?

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they would more than likely be heckled for showing up with the wrong turbo for either class.
Would trucks with in between sized turbos be able to run in a larger class, say someone shows up with a s369, would they get bumped to the 3.0 class and told good luck little buddy?

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The 5500 and 6000 classes will have spec chargers. Everyone else will have a bracket race.
I will be out of the country from late August till the end of October. I can't see any way it happens this year. Hard to help plan a race from Kuwait.
I like the idea of a 1/8th Mile race personally. The race will already be decided by then. I also would be open to trying no ambers. I don't see a problem with the turbo Weston purposes.
PDD displayed a very good representation of this with their turbo tutorials awhile back. Funny thing is the pullers called them crazy for their setup and looked what happens at UCC... They won!:woohoo:

Just like to point out PDD got very lucky that track wasn't sticky the first time.

Remember, just because you didn't get the girl pregnant raw doggin her the first time doesn't mean you had dead fish.
The 5500 and 6000 classes will have spec chargers. Everyone else will have a bracket race.

Would enough people show to fill two classes? What about double classing with a 2.6 turbo and a 3.0 turbo? Would rules permit that or forbid?

Can we start a list of people who want to compete or are interested enough to purchase a turbo to fit the class? That way we have a rough estimate?

I'm in, just please try to avoid July, I'm harvesting like a fool and won't make a July race.

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Just like to point out PDD got very lucky that track wasn't sticky the first time.

Remember, just because you didn't get the girl pregnant raw doggin her the first time doesn't mean you had dead fish.

Wasn't sticky is the understatement of the week.

I almost choked on the dust.
Would enough people show to fill two classes? What about double classing with a 2.6 turbo and a 3.0 turbo? Would rules permit that or forbid?

Can we start a list of people who want to compete or are interested enough to purchase a turbo to fit the class? That way we have a rough estimate?

I'm in, just please try to avoid July, I'm harvesting like a fool and won't make a July race.

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The 6000 2.6 class with nitrous would be for those that don't want to do the 3.0 or can't get to 5500. Each class would have a spec charger with no crossing over allowed. 5500 would be the big money class. 6000 class payout would depend on truck count.
Do something in November deep in the south

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I really need it to be spring personally. And honestly that would give a lot of guys the chance to get there stuff figured out after Rudy's.
The 6000 2.6 class with nitrous would be for those that don't want to do the 3.0 or can't get to 5500. Each class would have a spec charger with no crossing over allowed. 5500 would be the big money class. 6000 class payout would depend on truck count.

What tires can the 6k class use?
i hear TX or OK is nice in the spring...

Pre or post UCC?

Mid - late March the humidity starts to kick in here in Houston at 90ft above sea level!

Why not Royal purple? It's like 30ft above sea level and gets plenty of cool air off the bay. It's easily accessible being I-10 from anywhere in the country. Plus it's a solid 1/4mile track.
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