What kind of actual ground speed are you guys reaching?


New member
Oct 18, 2007
Watched quite a few vids tonight, of various classes and such. Seems like some of the trucks are really getting moving down the track. Just wondering how fast you guys have been going.
some around here get upwards of 30mph from time to time. Just depends on the sled, class and track.

I think typical for the class winners is probably in the mid to up 20s most of the time. HOWEVER, the sleds I've seen around here don't typically announce or provide this information. That's something I wish they would do.

Wheel Speed & ground speed are completely different. My truck turns 4200rpm on a loose track. My speedo might say 33-35mph, but that isn't my ground speed.
Yes wheel and ground speed are 2 completly differant things. But i can say that tthomp has been clocked going that fast down the track.
I can't remember the fastest we ever went down the track but it has went down the track at 32 and 33 a few times for sure.
Definately understand the wheel speed vs ground speed difference. Just amazing how quick some of the trucks go down the track.
500hp truck is going to be slower then the 700hp trucks

they had the ground speed reading at numidia.. alot of the WS runing 12-15mph

the 2.6 guys were really close to 20 mph or little above it.

i know my wheel speed is 18-25mph
thanks! Now I know what that other board was...

Couldn't figure out what those numbers were!
Around here we are usually around 23-26mph. We have 2 sleds that read MPH. I made 28mph one time last year on Kenneth Corbins sled. Although it is a super light sled.
All of our sleds in Michigan have a ground speed read out on them. The top 2.8 trucks regularly hit 24-26 mph and sometimes as high as 29-30 mph if the sled is set too light.
How about listing your wheel speed along with your ground speed...

My wheel speed is 30-34 mph, no idea on the ground speed. None of our sleds have a readout or provide that info... Would guess 20 to 24 mph on a good track.
several of our sleds have computorized readouts for ground speed, and distance

average here for a Pro Street truck is 15-19 mph

and for our mod trucks 22-25 mph

our sleds ( there are four different ones) all pull differently, some like a slug others like a frieght train
I am told by one sled operator (he owns three different sleds) that the US sleds are set up to allow you guys to get amazin ground speed till about 175' then the weight hits like a sledgehammer
Our sleds tend to be set up to be a gradual draw, with the exception of the Judge which was purpose built to mimick the US sleds for iniitial ground speed.

So far I have observed the fast sleds to be harder on parts than the steady draw type
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All of our sleds in Michigan have a ground speed read out on them. The top 2.8 trucks regularly hit 24-26 mph and sometimes as high as 29-30 mph if the sled is set too light.

Damn. We don't see much faster than 20mph out here. I've noticed that the sled in Cumberland & the sleds in W.V. are alot lighter than the sled at Listie & local events by me.
So far I have observed the fast sleds to be harder on parts than the steady draw type

I think this is very true.

We have a sled around here that is heavy from the get go and then it gradually stops you. It doesent normally break that many parts unless its a smoked clutch or something right on the line because of guys having a hard time getting it moving.

The "running sleds" let you get moving easy and get a lot of speed and then its like the brakes are on. Slams you HARD right at the end and really puts the pressure on everything.
