what size lines?


New member
Apr 19, 2009
which size lines and tubes would yall choose when initially setting up your p pumped 24v, im getting ready to do the swap within a few weeks still gathering information about it all! note i wont be sled pulling just going for high horsepower and occasional playin around:st: im shooting for 550-600+ hp at first.. any thoughts/adivce?
I have stock diameter Haisley lines (.078) Im gonna use with my conversion. My tubes are also stock. Now if Haisley would get me the rest of the parts I ordered three weeks ago, Id be up and running.:doh: Bigger lines and tubes should give it nice lope if thats what your looking for...
from what i have gathered a p-pump normally doesnt lope with just adding larger lines like the vp pumps. im sure .120 lines .120 holders big tubes and injectors big dvs and a scheids 5k it would.
not so much lookin for the lope just want the best line/tube setup for 550-600 hp.. i know in vp trucks its said that you generally lose power with bigger lines and tubes unless your running a monster pump or similiar, just wondering if it was the same on a p pumped application?
The p-pump will have enough fuel to keep those lines filled. You'd probably be safe with .078 or .084s for your hp goals. .093s and .120s would be more suited toward higher hp app's.
yeah thats what i was thinkin but of course if i do hit 550-600 then thatll be boring after a while i was wondering if it would be ok to get .093's now "in preparation" for the future.. i kinda have in the back of my mind that those would be too big for my 64/14 and wouldnt run that great or hit 550 ish
If I remember right, TJ (getblown5.9) is running .084s and he has dyno'ed 630ish on his 2.6 p-pump 24v.
I run 93 lines and 120 tubes and it doesnt lope. although it would be nice when the truck is setting, driving it would be a pain!!!!

biggest I would ever go on a street truck is 93 tubes and lines, but even thats not needed.
yeah ill probably just got with stock or .084's ... any bigger seems like overkill being a DD.
.093 tubes, .084 lines, .093 holders on the pump, full cuts, and now 191 DV's, CDS 5K GSK and no lope here.

i made 575 with my plate back, and 631 with it forward. .078 or .084 lines will be fine for your build. I do recommend to stay away from the larger lines because they are stainless...and i've heard numerous accounts of the stainless lines cracking and leaking with alot of street miles/vibration.
nice numbers getblown! i have been lookin around and cant seem to find dv holders for sale? or are these made? thanks again!
new situation..im able to get .093's in a used kit for a good price.. could i tune the pump down enough to be able to hit 550 -600 or would it still be too much fuel with my 64/14, i appreciate the help yall!