WHat the hell is this


Joe Nobody!
Apr 21, 2006
What in the heck is this banana looking thing between his legs attached to the rack? Cooler? No smart ass, or dumbass remarks please. :bang

Maybe he is just happy to see you?

Sorry couldn't resist. Can you post a pic with an arrow pointing to what you are talking about? There are a few things down there it could be.
It's just a tube that's capped....not by Tim or Gene and the truck was running when it was delivered.

You can see both lines for the rack in the pic...they are much smaller.

Could it be an accumulator of some sort to damnpen the steering feel ?
The tube by itself is a cooler ?
Man...it's been way too long since I owned something with rack and pinion steering. LOL
its even better when they have fins on them and the salt in ohio gets in there and next thing you know you have a leak!
My 97 F-250 PSD has 2 full loops there. When I pulled the motor I was wondering the same thing you were, WTF is that about??? It was caked and covered in crap so I had never noticed it before. Wasn't doing much cooling I guess :D
times about 4 on the cooler theory. It is a cooler... either tranny or PS. But i know on the 6.0's that the tranny cooler is built into the radiator.

times about 4 on the cooler theory. It is a cooler... either tranny or PS. But i know on the 6.0's that the tranny cooler is built into the radiator.


Well your half right, 1 cooler is in the radiator but there is another 1 sandwiched between the A/C condensor and the radiator. A massive air cooled 1 22" x 30". 6.0's also have a finned 2 tube power steering cooler in the same location as that loop.