what turbo should i get? 375 to 400rwhp

how much bigger is the wategate on the 9cm2 housing vs. the 12? i know it is a true 4" outlet, and yes the wastegate is slightly bigger, but the freakin turbine, and exhaust housing is soo small! smaller than the hx turbine, so right there your loosing flow. that a huge restriction/choke point right there, unless you would run a external gate, that stock gate is not going to get rid of that much exhaust pressure. how big is the turbine on the hy351cw? i know that the he351cw has a good compressor on it, but i dont see it being any good unless your can get the exhaust out too. there isn't a whole lot of room to grow with this turbo in the future also, where the 62/65/14 would be a great top turbo for a twin setup down the road.
I have asked the same question many times and all the guys who use them have some kind of an answer that never seems to work out, at least in my mind.

Turbine wheel is 58mm. Same as an HX35.

HX35: 2.75" turbine outlet + .75"(?) wastegate opening= 3.5" where both those outlets have to fight their way through a 3" opening into the downpipe. Only gates rear 3 cylinders.

HE351cw: 2.75" turbine outlet + .75" wastegate opening= 3.5" where both outlets dump straight into a 4.25" outlet. You can also open the wastegate hole to 1" for a total of 3.75" of outlet for the exhaust gasses. Gates all 6 cylinders

Se we have 3.75" vs 3".

Now as for it being 9cm. It is undivided compared to the 12cm HX35 being divided. It is about equal to an 11cm divided housing, so there really isnt much difference there.

Is there anything else you dont understand about it?

-I have had an HX35 with a 16cm and stock exhaust housings.

-I have had an HX40 with a T-3 16cm gated exhaust housing with a 4" outlet.

-And now I have the stock HE351cw

I had all the turbo's set at 38-40psi. Spoolup was about the same on the HX35 and HE351cw. HX40 was a little laggier. HX40 EGT's were slightly better than the HX35's EGT's. HE351cw EGT's are quite a bit better than the HX40's EGT's.

So, I have a turbo that controls EGT's better than an HX40 with the spool of an HX35.

You guys can question it all you want, but i have tried all the above and this is by far the best setup. Even on the top end it runs as good as the HX40 did.

Now I didnt measure drive pressure on any of my setups, so i cant comment on that, but as far as performance, driveability and spoolup it is the best thing I have ran.

Obviously its not gonna flow quite as well as a 62mm schwitzer, but that is apples to oranges. You are comparing a $300 turbo to a $1200 turbo.

Yep, dumps right into the downpipe instead of flowing straight down and merging into the exhaust path of the turbine.
But the math on the area of flow doesn't make sense. You have a 3/4 inch hole for exhaust to pass through. That doesn't add 3/4 inch to the diameter of the turbine outlet, so the math to prove your point is screwy. The fact that the gate allows all 6 cylinders to be gated helps tremendously, and it flows straight out helps too.

I'm not doubting the 351's capabilities. Hell, the trucks running them are making the power levels that used to be Super B heaven for 12'ers, and they're stock.
I guess thats true. I never was one with math, but the fact still remains that it has to be flowing better than an HX35 turbine side because it isnt all being shoved out of a 3" outlet, and the wastegated exhaust doesent have to merge back into the flow of the turbine exhaust gasses.

Im not saying it flows awesome on the exhaust side, but it flows as good or better than the HX35 hot side, and the compressor is a lot better than the HX35 compressor.
