Whats a H2E turbo?


diesel nut
Aug 5, 2009
Anybody know the specs or quality of these chargers? I know it's off an L10 but other than that I don't have a clue. I got it for free so just curious.
alot of 7.3 guys run the H2es..I think there is a hypermax version but the one your talking about should be the holset version...from what I can tell the turbo is very similar to the hx-50..I belive there 1000 cfm...
It was the older style for the HX50, before they were made there was H2E's. Hypermax, CDS and a couple others do H2E's with billet wheels and what not. Look for the ones with a 17cm back half.
Cool thanks guys like I said I got it for free but had never paid much attention to them. I'm not running it on my puller but might be useful to someone someday.
Is anyone interested in buying this turbo? Not sure on the specs but can check tomorrow. I know it does have a t6 flange though.