Where to buy SCT and tunes?


New member
Sep 21, 2007
Where's the best place to buy a SCT w/custom tunes. Any suggestions on exactly what to get for my '03 6.0L. daily driver. Have 4" straight pipe and AFE stg II. I will be replacing my edge attitude looking for ,of course, mileage with some fun performance. Any other simple mod ideas are appreciated!

Eric from Innovative! Hands down, best tuning on the 6.0! Call him up at: 1.866.642.7844
Not DJ anymore :bang

I'm gonna try Eric here pretty soon after the influx of people that used DJ slows down a bit. I'm not in any hurry for a new one. Just want to try another one out. i've heard good things about both Eric and Doug. I've tried to get one from Doug in the past, but have not been successful at it.
Both Eric and Doug have great tunes. If you tow a lot you have to get the Gonzo tow file from Doug. Its awesome.
I am pretty sure matt is only doing or trying to only do stuff for his DashDaq for the 6.0 and 6.4
Both Eric and Doug have great tunes. If you tow a lot you have to get the Gonzo tow file from Doug. Its awesome.

Agreed. I used Doug's towing file in the past and have used many others since that time. His was definitely the best one.
