Which Programmer?


How Bad Do You Want It??
Dec 11, 2006
I have an 03 CC 4x4 6.0. I have the SCT which I love but I want another programmer that I can switch on the fly. I will keep my SCT for the track and when I go "hunting." What are some of your opinions for the box to get the most power but still be safe on the tranny and stuff. Remember I want on the fly power level switching. Thanks much.
Do any of the adjust on the fly units have trans controls? If not, it would be too bad to take out a tranny for that one feature.
Companies like edge and bully dog offer "switch on the fly", but they are completely different than a tuner. They are in line devices that only intercept and modify engine signals, where as the SCT you have now actually pulls out the stock tune and loads a modified program. The problem with in-line devices is that they do little or nothing to help the tranny and often they produce high egt's and unreliable defueling. Stick the SCT and just take the time to down load a new program you will be much happier.
I have a Hypertech PTM. I originally bought it for my 05 standard transmission after fighting with a superchips 1704. I love the on the fly adjustability, but with my 06 auto I need to get the SCT for my tran. I am just going to get a file for tranny, egr, etc. and use the hypertech PTM for power. I don't know much about how the PTM works but it really seems to make clean power if that makes sense-not much smoke-but definitely need tranny tuning cuz level 3 and tranny don't like each other. I am gonna call tomorrow and run all this by somebody, and I think it is gonna make for one sweet set-up. I hope. There was no comparing the 1704 to the PTM, way more power with PTM.
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David Baker said:
I have a Hypertech PTM. I originally bought it for my 05 standard transmission after fighting with a superchips 1704. I love the on the fly adjustability, but with my 06 auto I need to get the SCT for my tran. I am just going to get a file for tranny, egr, etc. and use the hypertech PTM for power. I don't know much about how the PTM works but it really seems to make clean power if that makes sense-not much smoke-but definitely need tranny tuning cuz level 3 and tranny don't like each other. I am gonna call tomorrow and run all this by somebody, and I think it is gonna make for one sweet set-up. I hope. There was no comparing the 1704 to the PTM, way more power with PTM.

I'm sure you have heard this 100 times so here is 101 LOL

Sell the Hypertech and go SCT by itself. Why spend money on two units when SCT is proven to be the best available option? You will have the shifting you want, the egr program you want, and more power than the Hypertech. If you don't want much smoke all you have to do is tell your tuner.
Just my .02
I agree with your .02, but I already own the Hypertech and really like the 4 different power choices. 70 % of the time it is in the stock position, pretty cold where I live and it is cool to bring the power on after it is warmed up. I don't think that the Hypertech PTM gets a fair shake because out of the various tuning devices I've dealt with over the years it really works good and the driveability of it is outstanding, kinda hard to explain but it is smooth. I definitely would like to learn more about it, and I suspect that it may actually be a Van Aaken module? Just seems to be a good solution for my particular needs. Hopefully after I make some calls tomorrow I will be better able to decide if this is a good option. No doubt about it SCT rules so please don't think i'm knockin it. After I get it worked out I fully intend to do some dyno and track testing just for sh*** & giggles and would like to share the end results with everyone. Kinda like the 6.0 adjustable guinnea pig.
Vizsla said:
I agree with your .02, but I already own the Hypertech and really like the 4 different power choices. 70 % of the time it is in the stock position, pretty cold where I live and it is cool to bring the power on after it is warmed up. I don't think that the Hypertech PTM gets a fair shake because out of the various tuning devices I've dealt with over the years it really works good and the driveability of it is outstanding, kinda hard to explain but it is smooth. I definitely would like to learn more about it, and I suspect that it may actually be a Van Aaken module? Just seems to be a good solution for my particular needs. Hopefully after I make some calls tomorrow I will be better able to decide if this is a good option. No doubt about it SCT rules so please don't think i'm knockin it. After I get it worked out I fully intend to do some dyno and track testing just for sh*** & giggles and would like to share the end results with everyone. Kinda like the 6.0 adjustable guinnea pig.

allready done with banks vs sct.... sct over banks by 20 whp.... i run the sct trans and egr and banks for power because i like the haurges and adjust on the fly capability. egts are alot higher with the sct then the banks unlike nummit has previoulsy said... my .02
Cool, I am glad to hear that I am not alone in wanting adjust on the fly and the previously mentioned SCT options. Some compromises, but I haven't found to many things in life that didn't involve a compromise of some sort. The egts are very interesting also, and if you don't mind, how much do they differ? Thanks
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