wiki comunity style board.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I have seen a few forums that have a pretty neat feature. Anytime a thread is started there is an option of opening a wiki style post after the first post. On the other forums this is the place where all the updated information is entered, so you don't have to read through page after page of posts to get to the info you want. Sure a few threads here are stickied, but you still have to read through the whole thread, including all the bs that tends to clutter stuff up. The wiki post on the other forums are editable by anyone that cares to edit them, so yes, someone could come along and put in bad info, but hey, at least its right there on the first page and easy to spot, if the info is bad it could be edited back out, or called out as bad info. The threads that made me think of this as a working option was the head stud question, its been answered lots of times, the info is there in the thread, but you need to read through a closed thread, to find the info. A wiki style post could be generated, and edited till its as good as it could get, and be there right on page one. How to do this integration? I got no clue, but seems to work in vb and other style forums.

Good idea, but my first thought it is would impact the community feel comp has that in a lot of ways makes it superior to other forums.
How so? Threads would still progress as usual' but when good info is found, it gets put in the wiki. It can then get discussed and adjusted.

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snagged a good explination:

What is Thread Wiki?
Many of you have undoubtedly heard of Wikipedia - free web based encyclopedia where all content is contributed by its members. Thread Wiki is a post in a thread right after the first post for better visibility by another thread viewer, where all content is contributed by more than one user.

How does it work?
Pretty simple, really. Members have complete freedom to Create, Contribute, Control.

When a new thread is created, the first post of the thread will contain a button, which you click on to create a wiki - on demand. Once a wiki is created, the second post in the thread appears, listed under the "helper" user wikipost (slickalerts' sister). The post will contain a pre-set brief information.

Right after creation, the user who just clicked the button is taken to Edit mode - just as you would with a new post, and adds the information he or she believes is important for a thread. This information can be anything... information about the thread (Cliff Notes anybody?), a new price, a better price, a new rebate, a fillable rebate, a coupon... push your imagination.

Okay, so someone added something, and you don't think it's valid, or you think you can do better? Do it. It's controlled by users, and as long as it's within forums rules - it can contain anything, really.

A few more things bound to be asked, a.k.a. The FAQ:

Q: Can I see previous contributions to Thread Wiki?
A: Absolutely. Just like with real Wiki, you can see every edit. Just click the button.

Q: Can I restore to a previous revision?
A: Yep, you sure can. When in Revisions mode, use button to restore to a previous version. While at it, you might as well contribute if you need it, as everything is done using a standard Edit dialog. One catch - you can't restore a current version, marked by a slightly different color and button.

Q: Can I delete a revision I really don't like?
A: Yes.... if you are a moderator . You can still Mod Alert a revision if you believe it's in violation of forum guidelines, just remember to mention who made it. Remember, use Mod Alert button on a Wiki Post, as you can not modalert the actual revision from the Revisions screen.

Q: Can I rep the contributor?
A: Yes, just like with any post in forums where it is enabled, you can give reputation to a contributor. One per post (regardless of how many contribution that user has made), as usual . Although you can rep 2 or more different users who contributed to Thread Wiki.

Q: What if someone tries to add/edit a Thread Wiki when I am doing it?
A: Not to worry, since all revisions are tracked separately, the information you or ther other person adds will not vanish. So if an edit happens simultaneously, you can still add it by copying it. Once a Thread Wiki is added the button will no longer be there to add, but one can Edit the Wiki Post.

Q: Can there be more than one Thread Wiki?
A: One per thread, sorry . You are free to post under your own name, however .

Q: Can I easily see what has been updated when looking at Revisions?
A: Absolutely. The new text between 2 subsequent revisions is higlighted with green color and italics. Text that has been removed is crossed out. Changes are tracked line by line. So if a line is changed, the changes will reflect that.

Q: Can anyone Create, Contribute and Control?
A: Yes, as long as you have a valid account (what? you don't have one yet? ), which is in good standing and is not under moderation. Anyone (including anonymous users) can view the post, however, just like with any other post in the forum.

Q: What about vandalism?
A: As with real wikis, vandalism can be an issue. And just with any wikis, members can fix it without having to wait for a moderator. If you see anyone posting anything inappropriate, anything in violation of forum rules, offensive, etc - feel free to edit it out, modalert the Thread Wiki post, and mention who made the offensive edit. The moderation team will be happy to assist with this. Thanks in advance. Wannabe vandals - beware, a new warning has been added for wiki abuse. Excessive abuse will result in the removal of wiki privileges.

What is Post History?
Post history is a feature, which is shared with Thread Wiki, and allows you to view your own post history using the "Revisions" button just like you would with a Thread Wiki. The only exception is that only you can view that history, unlike with Thread Wiki, which is viewed by anyone as described above. The same rules apply, there is a Revert button, the Current Version label, and the only thing absent is obviously the Thread Wiki button, since well, it's not a Wiki. We hope you put it to good use, in case something ever happens to your own post, and you need to restore changes.
Of course it would be a comp d account not slickdeals-----

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surprised no one else has a comment. good bad or indifferent.
I was pretty happy with what I had when I drove home from the dealership with my brand new truck...... then I dleted muffler, put on a bhaf, silencer ring fell out, cat ran away, edge box on, edge box off, quad race box on, nozzles and new turbo on, trans upgraded, bigger nozzles on, second turbo on, cam in, smarty replaced quad box, tnt r acquired, SSR UDC..... this is comp D right? stock is not enough !
The place I see it on is a deals website, basically a bunch of folk that post up great deals/ prices, and how to get in on the deals, use rebates, promo codes........ so I'll link ya one that demonstrates it use.

when the thread first starts, there is no wiki, just a clickable create wiki button right after the first post. Then more info gets added, other things added, more info. but all there, right on page one, no reading 100's of posts to get to it.

below is the link with a pretty good example,

Target - Black friday - July deal - Westing house 46 TV for $380 using TGTBBF10 code -

if it doesn't work, I can copy paste a couple.
Ah I see, so the entire thread doesn't become a wiki.

So, theoretically, a person asks about a turbo and injector combination here, someone could do the wiki with links to vendors or other threads, and the discussion continues after that...?

I like the current format, the wiki deal would take some getting used to
Yeah, you get it, thing is also, a wiki doesn't get generated for every thread, just the ones where it can help. That way if a thread gets long, as they often do, and say Carl from crazy turbos suggests a setup on page five, the thread continues to grow, now the info that was brought forward is buried five pages deep. For the constant threads about head stud install, the same would work, wiki goes up, info about a couple different options, general pricing info, then somebody adds a picture with the tightening sequence. Another bit is added as to what power levels you should use 625's vs 400's, or even mighty head bolts. At some point the info gets so dam good that it gets stickied, yet can still grow.
I guess not a lot of folks like the idea? or just need better example of its use??

another perfect use would be a thread where a very specific question is asked. It is asked during prime time, and three pages worth of people chime in expressing interest in the answer. Then the question is answered with precision, by lets say a company rep, like brian at smarty. The reply from Brian could be put in the wiki post right there on page one, and discussion could continue, heck the answer could even be given more detail, and that added to the wiki as needed.
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Would never work ever wiki article would have boat hoes and tacos.... actually this a great idea!
So we get to modify the wiki posts........think about that.

"Before installing your suncoast/allsion, be sure remove the gerbil packaged in sparkle britches ass for shipping."