YO Big Nasty

does anyon know Big Nasty. He thinks that I am giving him the cold shoulder to his pm.

Can someone pass the message via email to him. :bang


to the top :welcome:
BTW blue knows me but if I were you I wouldn't talk to him unless I absolutely had to. lol,jk
Ahh darn I missed you. Anyways I cleaned house so send me a pm when you get the chance. Thanks.
bob did you get the email about a surging 05?

Brandon.... Having problems with the smarty, puck, TST stack?
No I am back to the ppe, puck for now until I get a smarty. I do have surging but it is the puck, some reason it doesnt like the low setting.
BIG, I took a tumble today so it is peck n hunt right now, please call me tomorrow.

I hope you are ok. I'll call tomarrow if I get a chance during work, do you have a preferred number?
Got the Smarty in Bob, thanks for the candy too because I was starving that morning! Everything is great and I love the Smarty. Now time to save for a tranny so I can actually run this thing like it wants to! Thanks again.
So wheres the sheet BOB? I know its old news. Im just pickin to give ya somethin ta do.