8000LB open class


Cheater Motor sports
Jul 29, 2008
I seen that truckwars will be having a 8000LB open class this year at their events, and was wondering if anyone besides me is lookin to pull in it. the rules for it is weigh 8000 or less and 30" max hitch otherwise run what ya brung.
Hopefully there is alot coming. I know Tug-a-truck is having their pull the same night........but they have rules. :poke:
Yeah Shaw we may have rules, but they are the same rules we have always had! we dont change the rules every pull, or say yeah this tire is allowed and once it shows we tell em they cant pull it! are you even gonna get that wagon out on the concrete this year??:poke:
yeah shaw we may have rules, but they are the same rules we have always had! We dont change the rules every pull, or say yeah this tire is allowed and once it shows we tell em they cant pull it!
Yea, It'll be out there. Who knows, might have them both. But, they will only be pulling at the "other guys" pulls.

as far as changing rules..... Didn't you say Hitch could run the Maxxis, and then you outlawed them? just saying. LOL

Hoping you guys have a good turnout
My rules have always been the same. We are dedicated to the drivers to keep this sport as fair as possible. I did tell one person to bring their truck to Van Wert and when they showed up the tires on their truck did not fit in our rules and we are not changing our rules for any reason or anyone. I don't know why you want to keep bad mouthing Truckwars as much as you do. You sure are not bad mouthing us when you are implementing our setup and paybacks into your shows. You did this for what 10 years and didn't care about paybacks or how you could flow trucks through. But since Truckwars has started you have changed your setup to our style and paybacks finally to what they should have always been. I am not going to talk **** about you becuase Wapak is one hell of a great time and I will not deny or take any credit from you. The only thing about Truckwars is we have always been dedicated to our fans and our pullers and that will never change.
Yeah Shaw we may have rules, but they are the same rules we have always had! we dont change the rules every pull, or say yeah this tire is allowed and once it shows we tell em they cant pull it! are you even gonna get that wagon out on the concrete this year??:poke:


Whats past is past, well all make mistakes. Well i have to work alot this year so see you guys in wapak for the fair. !!
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Hey guys...this is Julie from Tug-Fest aka Tug A Truck. I had someone set up my login for this site and allowed them to answer questions that came up on this site. I can see they are doing a little more than getting our info out there. This is the first time I have actually posted on this site...that being said...@ TRUCKWARS A good idea is undeniable. We heard from many of our drivers that your setup for truck staging worked very well and we implemented it at ours and indeed it did. As far as payout, we are very excited about having matched our competitors payout and will continue to grow the payout as our growth and sponsorship allow. I am super excited about our event as I am sure you are about yours. I would be lying if I didn't say that I wished all of the Bring It clan was still at Tug A Truck...great people with tough trucks...I'm all about it. I wish you and yours the best of luck this year with all of your events. @ SHAW and KRAIGER As a puller or a fan, you can't really go wrong at either event on the 21st of May. Its all about where you wanna be and what appeals to you. The Auglaize County Fair pull has always been a fantastic pull that showcases many of the local pullers and I'm sure it will continue to be. Good Luck where ever you decide to go!
Julie, how are you guys going to make an annual event at Wapak when it sounds like you lost the contract for the fairgrounds? Sounds like you lost it for the Fair pull in Aug. since it's in the Fairbook that Truckwars has it.
Truckwars is absolutely doing the Auglaize County Fair pull this year. We have done it in past years and also did the entire day of events as a trade between us and the fairgrounds. We enjoyed doing the Tug A Truck portion with the sled and drag but unfortunately could not see eye to eye with the fair on providing help for their half. I have two kids in 4H showing pigs that day and am honestly looking forward to focusing 100% of my attention on them while they show : ) As far as my ongoing contract with the fairgrounds for May, I just renewed for another five years and have broadened my rental to include even more such as the camping area, space for the Budweiser beer garden and live band, additional vendor space and more days to include Thursday evening through Sunday morning. www.tug-fest.com
O truck wars is doing the fair. Thats cool. Ill be going to lima in may. Im not in the get trashed all weekend mood anymore, just want to go to a competition and have fun. Good luck to yall this year.