ev2 performax fuel pressure gauge


Diesel = Broke
Aug 3, 2010
I was wondering should you use a snubber on a ev2 performax Fuel pressure gauge? I know you use them on mechanical gauges but do you on electric. I bought a snubber from tork teknology because I ordered a mechanical gauge but there was a screw up or misunderstanding at scheid but in the end I like this gauge better than my others.
If you are using a mechanical lift pump then you should probably use some type of snubber. Without it you will see some big pressure fluctuations, and it also puts more "wear & tear" on the sensor than is necessary. We usually recommend a needle valve (ISSPRO R7742 or NAPA WH6820), as it works well as an adjustable snubber.

Michael Pliska
Can we order just the senders for the electricial gauges somewhere? Mine is constantly going bad but I love the gauge and don't want to ditch it!

I responded to Ted already (he PM'ed me as well), but if anyone is having a problem, please let me know and we'll take care of it! I don't want someone having to replace a part at their own expense! We apparently had a few bad sensors in a recent batch, we're working with the supplier to make sure it gets corrected.
Sorry, I meant to delete this after the PM but I forgot about it.

Michael I do want to say thanks though because I do think you are going above and beyond what would be expected since we didn't buy the gauges from you directly.

Thank you VERY much!