Garmon Doin his thing! New tools making the Tranny's even Better!

Sticky actually working for a chance!! lol


The TDI and the 12v race truck.

ya with out a front bumper, engine, or trans. Thanks for the complment! I cant wait to drive it once again.
Glad I read all the post...I was going to ask the same question. I just figured it was a new head port-n-polishin' tool. Insert head and 5 pounds of sand and go to lunch.

Who told you about my secret....
Find a rim shop. My buddy wanted to sell me his for 35 a piece at one time. Shoulda done it :/
There are no longer "Rebuilt cores" converters being used in all Garmon builds...To my knowledge, all well known converter companies all rebuild from cores...

Only a Brand new (inside and out) converter built by precision is used now.... All furnace brazed and the best quality parts inside.

Jeff made this change back in Feb/March and they are awesome...


what happened with dpc?

Last Jan or Feb. they just decided to do their own thing..

Phil's got his own location now...

Jeff's having Terry at Precision that's been in the business for EVER building a brand new units ever since.... Jeff just figures going with all new parts will pay off in the end... Can't argue with all new stuff being the best..

His converter are like being with a Virgin...
Comfort in knowing that nobody else's parts have been in there before!!

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Last Jan or Feb. they just decided to do their own thing..

Phil's got his own location now...

Jeff's having Terry at Precision that's been in the business for EVER building a brand new units ever since.... Jeff just figures going with all new parts will pay off in the end... Can't argue with all new stuff being the best..

His converter are like being with a Virgin...
Comfort in knowing that nobody else's parts have been in there before!![/


I that is a great quote buy the way. I was just wondering cause i have a dpc and just thought something might be wrong now.