Garrett turbo ID help


New member
Jul 20, 2019
Have an old Garret and I can not find which it is. The size is near GT42/GT45, but I think it is older. And I can not find any combination off GT42/GT45 that match exact. Nameplate is gone. I have checked around TV51, TA51 and other ..51., but have trouble finding numbers for these.

I found this thread:
which is almost exact what I have.
Here is the data: 6+6 blades 70/94mm Compressor wheel. 11 blades 89/82 turbine wheel.
Comp House A/R=0.6 Turbine house A/R=1.54
Comp. bore=8.1mm The axle is 13,1 (1/2 inch between bearings)

Turbo in very good condition, but I will try to find and bye a repair kit before I assemble it again.

Arve J