New Employee


New member
Jun 25, 2007
I would like to welcome a new employee to our team here at AirDog. Kyle Engel (1lowdiesel) joined our team starting Monday. We are very glad to have him as a part of our team. He can help with any tech questions or anything you may have.
Sorry you have to work with Anthony, Kyle LOL

Congrats on the new Job bud.
lol you guys are funny.

Thanks! You guys need anything feel free to give me a shout.

My ext is 121
Congrats.Where did you relocate from? I have been to Shelbyville once. General Electric/Wellman had a huge plant there once upon a time.
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he relocated from New Jersey Bob, so if he seems grumpy, its just that jersey hasn't quite worn off him yet!
Btw. You have to take him over to Staggs in Rushville. Good food there. And to the Bears den for some root beer.
Yea Bob I worked at XDP.

Haha mike ur funny.

Ha I was just in rushville this morning doing some house hunting. Nice little town.