Not too Happy...


Aug 6, 2011
I sent my turbos over there a almost over weeks ago to have them suited better to work with my truck, I keep getting the beginning of the week they should be ready to ship for two weeks now and am getting kinda irritated. I dont want to bad mouth anyone but i cant stand games. The Turbos came off of my only mode of working transportation and now im getting a bit Testy with the wait when i was told everything was at the shop just needing to be swapped then sent back with maybe a week if that turn around. Ive called on Monday and today with no reply even sent a text to Chris with no response. Chris has my number and i would greatly appreciate a call back from Someone ASAP.

Patrick Olson.
Everyone wants custom parts right friggin now.
It just doesn't work that way.
I'm sure they were swamped with your timeline being right before SDX.
Here's a hint...a surefire way to get bumped to last in line at a lot of places is to call someone out on the net. I'm not saying ED is like that...but keep that in mind in the future.
i know what you mean. Im not trying to rub it the wrong way just ive talked to him before i sent it out for a while trying to get something figured out. Im not trying to get to the head of the line just need a answer. Ive had a few places i sent and ordered stuff from where i got the shuffled on a lot and it took almost three months to even get what ordered. In No way am i saying they are screwing me, just i need to know whats going on.
Well my fustration in posting this was worthless, I Just got a call From Chris and they are on their way!
Everyone wants custom parts right friggin now.
It just doesn't work that way.
I'm sure they were swamped with your timeline being right before SDX.
Here's a hint...a surefire way to get bumped to last in line at a lot of places is to call someone out on the net. I'm not saying ED is like that...but keep that in mind in the future.

I understand your point but just be honest and say hey were backed up and it might be alitte longer than originally stated. Atleast then he wouldn't feel like he was being lied to or maybe don't quote time frames you can't meet be honest up front and then he would have had the option to go elsewhere. I believe I remember you having a hard time getting a hold of ED and posting here to which I answered yeah me too then that day I got a text which sounds similar to his result. So posting here gets them to look and I don't believe he called them out he was just frustrated with them not meeting the time frame THEY said they could and the lack of a communication which im sure its hard to respond to all while still getting work done but it all part of the sale. Glad to here there on there way im sure you will be happy with there work.
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I ordered my turbo from them about 4 weeks ago. It was ordered on monday and setting on my doorstep friday.
Whenever I have dealt with Chris, I have known almost exactly what to expect. I had a wastegate on order with him for a while, but I didn't need it, and told him to make sure everyone else got theirs first. So, I told him not to send it to me until he had plenty to go around.

As far as getting a hold of him, I texted him yesterday about a turbine wheel, and had it on the way in less than 5 minutes. Guess that's not good enough?

Everyone wants custom parts right friggin now.
It just doesn't work that way.
I'm sure they were swamped with your timeline being right before SDX.
Here's a hint...a surefire way to get bumped to last in line at a lot of places is to call someone out on the net. I'm not saying ED is like that...but keep that in mind in the future.

I disagree with getting bumped to the back of the line. It seems that many times an item that is being neglected, seems to get taken care of when it is made public. I am sure they are busy, but one of the most frustrating things is being told such and such a date and each time that date comes and goes. Even worse is the poor communication. Sad that it has to come to that, but such is life. It appears that things got straightened out.
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From someone who has been flat covered with work for almost 2 years straight, without enough good help, all I can say is sometimes, it's the squeaky wheel that gets greased. Yeah, it's a chitty way to have to operate a business, but if you can't find qualified help that you can trust to do things right, then it's just the way things work sometimes.

Not trying to speak for ED or anything, just saying....

From someone who has been flat covered with work for almost 2 years straight, without enough good help, all I can say is sometimes, it's the squeaky wheel that gets greased. Yeah, it's a chitty way to have to operate a business, but if you can't find qualified help that you can trust to do things right, then it's just the way things work sometimes.

Not trying to speak for ED or anything, just saying....


I am not faulting anyone either. I am sure they are covered up. He got his parts. You hate to have to go this route, with things, and even hate to turn away work. It seems that a customer can only do so much, before they want a straight answer, or in some cases any answer, LOL
I disagree with getting bumped to the back of the line. It seems that many times an item that is being neglected, seems to get taken care of when it is made public. I am sure they are busy, but one of the most frustrating things is being told such and such a date and each time that date comes and goes. Even worse is the poor communication. Sad that it has to come to that, but such is life. It appears that things got straightened out.

Thats exactly what i have seen in the past to get the ball moving and now everyone with a piggy bank is chiming in with their .02. I wouldnt have an issue sending anyone to them. More along the line i was more frustrated with bad experiences in the past.
If i wanted to through someone under the bus it would of been the guy i bought the turbos from who said the turbos would work perfect for my set up which was entirely wrong. Thats a whole different can-o-worms
If i wanted to through someone under the bus it would of been the guy i bought the turbos from who said the turbos would work perfect for my set up which was entirely wrong. Thats a whole different can-o-worms

What turbos were they? What the intent of going with that turbo setup?
i was told a standard S366 and s480 would be good for my street truck. Chris tweeked them with a few goodies to get me going the right way.
Scat so what did you end up with and whether are you putting them on ? I'm thing of running a s366 over a 82
you gotta keep in mind the retards working @ usps and ups arnt helping delivery dates either