Processed WVO through my FASS 150? Diesel-Dan?


Gun for Hire
Jul 27, 2007
I've searched all over, but can't find the answer and didn't want to send Diesel_Dan another PM on top of all the ones I know he gets. The question is, I am thinking about setting up a WVO refiner in my garage, if I do, is there anything I need to change on my FASS 150 to make it compatable? What about the rest of the fuel system? Any help would be appreciated...

JFlagg said:
I've searched all over, but can't find the answer and didn't want to send Diesel_Dan another PM on top of all the ones I know he gets. The question is, I am thinking about setting up a WVO refiner in my garage, if I do, is there anything I need to change on my FASS 150 to make it compatable? What about the rest of the fuel system? Any help would be appreciated...

Jeremy makeing Bio.....or running WVO/SVO?

ALSO.....PM me for the number of this guy in the STL area....if you can get him some WVO...he can make some awesome Bio for a legal road Taxed $2.00/ can bet I am going to get about 50 gallons when i get a tank to keep it in......
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RideIcon said:
can you run SVO/WVO on a fass? not biodiesel but straight

If you get the correct pump, yes. We suggest the smallest pump we have with the largest motor to give you the most mechanical advantage when moving the thicker fuel. You know you will have to heat that fuel to run it, correct? I have a few dealers that specialize in WVO conversions with our pumps…..i can get you some numbers to talk to them if you wish…..
I have a customer running it through his truck. He has the Fass standalone pump. He used several other pumps and the Fass was the one that worked the best.