Steroid Power Module...


New member
May 16, 2007
Seems like it would be an awsome product : +5mpg and +85hp/150tq on the 7.3.
Wondering a few things...
a) How does this box raise fuel pressure?
b) Has anyone tried this? does it work as claimed?
c) Is there any data proving the claims?
d) Is there anything needed to to be upgraded to ensure consistant engine safty/ performance? EX: Reg. return line kit? Dual HPOP?
It raises the hpop oil pressure. The box feels real good down low. It stacks nicely with the TS Chip and does provide more bottom end power.

We have them running around here, if you need to know more let us know.
I don't run one myself, but the customers I sold them to were looking for Power. I would have to track them down and ask what the results were.... I guess I am saying I can't confirm that for you.
I have sold several, a very good mpg increase if you drive with an educated right foot. On average 2-3 mpg on my customers.
Sorry we've been swamped over here guys, looks like others already answered your questions.