So you ground the afc foot to be parallel with the back edge? I did but it's not necessary.Did you grind the front edge of the barrel so it doesn't hit the housing? Yes
Is the stock afc spring too stiff for effective preboost fuel tuning? That depends on many things.
I'm considering pulling my plate but I'm pretty sure that I want Some kind of preboost fuel control. I don't want to bog off the line but a little smoke is ok. With the plate pulled in my 180hp pump, the afc foot/arm will be the next limiting factor under full throttle, yes? YesThat's when I should look into grinding the afc foot and barrel? I'm not planning on opening up my timing case, so will that mean the Mack plug isn't something I should order? You don't have to get in the pump to change the rack plug. Don't buy one, add a flat washer to what you have.
Right now, Ive got all the smoke down low but it clears up at full boost. I'm wondering if getting enough fuel for a slight haze at wot/top end will be attainable on the stock turbo @ 38psi and stock inj/dv.