Cummins Power ????

We are a band of brothers (to quote Shakespeare) and there are a few things that will impact how you are viewed on here, and by extension how much help you will get.
We don't take to kindly to people telling us how great and smart they are. Especially when it is all their accomplishments in other motorsports. Good for you for having done xxxxx in xxxxx. This ain't that.
Don't treat us like idiots when you don't receive the help and answers you want, or think you deserve.
Don't post threads to ask questions so you can get info that you think will prove your new idea is brilliant. We can see what you are doing, and it's not gonna sit well with us.
Don't treat us like idiots, and don't expect us to respect you by default. Respect is earned. So earn it. Treating others with respect is a good start.
Don't attack our brothers on here. It won't set well, or endear you to us at all. That will reduce our desire to help you.
We are a band of brothers (to quote Shakespeare) and there are a few things that will impact how you are viewed on here, and by extension how much help you will get.
We don't take to kindly to people telling us how great and smart they are. Especially when it is all their accomplishments in other motorsports. Good for you for having done xxxxx in xxxxx. This ain't that.
Don't treat us like idiots when you don't receive the help and answers you want, or think you deserve.
Don't post threads to ask questions so you can get info that you think will prove your new idea is brilliant. We can see what you are doing, and it's not gonna sit well with us.
Don't treat us like idiots, and don't expect us to respect you by default. Respect is earned. So earn it. Treating others with respect is a good start.
Don't attack our brothers on here. It won't set well, or endear you to us at all. That will reduce our desire to help you.
With all that being said you guys must just be the next best thing to god.God forbid you ask or know somthing.
It seems i never had a chance on this fourm. bunch of up tight people. Dont make a joke about spark plugs. Its the end of the world. there a tech about leaking power stering. really find the leak and fix it.
Well it sure could, I am bordering the limits of the stock cracked cap rods. But then again I'd know how and with what parts to replace it.
you guys should mod the guys that do nouthing more then try to trash the thread. but what good would that do??
I'm just about done with this guy. I'll take one shot at attempting to get this thread into some sort of shape that's worthy of our tech forums...if it continues down this path it's outta here.
Don't feed this troll anymore and maybe he'll go find another board to crap up.

I'll quote myself 1 more time in an effort to save this sinking ship.
Back off guys...let's see if this guy has what it takes to last here.
Although after his PM calling me a piece of sh!t I highly doubt it.....but I've been wrong before.
I'll quote myself 1 more time in an effort to save this sinking ship.
Back off guys...let's see if this guy has what it takes to last here.
Although after his PM calling me a piece of sh!t I highly doubt it.....but I've been wrong before.
I came here looking for help. I can give it right back. IT seems as soon as i didnt wanta get ride of my turbo it was over from there. Why not promote the idear of a twin setup? the sb over an s400?? LIke i said it seems there a few that wanta help. the rest are just are bored with there self and forgot where they came from. what they learened along the way. And where they got the info they learned.
IM still here. hello, how are you.

Man, I am good. The way I see it, most guys come in looking for info. I think you did, then some guys will either try to start $hit or they will try to become productive members. We have both, the guys trying to be productive stay around and learn a ton. The guys that don't, well, they don't. This is probably the best forum on the internet, and first impressions are hard to get by. No one is gonna hold anyones hand here. The best way most come to like it here and get respect is to give it from the start. Being humble goes a long way. As far as Richard being a tough guy, no. He has zero tolerance for BS, much like the rest of the guys here. The admin here have all been around a while, most of the orange guys, like myself, consider ourselves co-owners of this site, and we are very protective of it. If you could see our join number, they are all gonna be in the top 10. The green guys work their asses off for this site and tolerate more than any other moderators anywhere. Come in, speak your mind, but remember, your the new guy in town. Your gonna get the once over by many, and whether its appropriate or not, there are gonna be a lot jump on that have nothing to do with it at first. Give us a little, and we will give you a ton back.

Welcome to the site. I hope things go different for you, and you enjoy your time here.