dyno in 4wd


Poop Naked
Feb 9, 2009
Next weekend here in Indy, there is a street car showdown going on. due to work and being poor lol i havent had time to do anything with my truck.

So at this showdown they are having a dyno competition and i want to go show the gas guys what diesel power looks like. And the dyno is a 4wd dyno and i was thinking of dynoing it in 4wd just for poops and giggles.

does anyone know if it would make a difference at all or if its just a waste of time??
I'd go and let it eat! Front brakes would be nice to load the chargers right up before the sweep. Might want to ask if it stretches out to your wheel base though first.

If it's indoors most river shops freak out about the soot.
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I'd go and let it eat! Front brakes would be nice to load the chargers right up before the sweep. Might want to ask if it stretches out to your wheel base though first.

If it's indoors most river shops freak out about the soot.

They won't like the soot. The shop owner is a friend and he knows all about diesel power. The customers and crowd there may not like it either, spray it and keep it clean! He said there should be a couple of 1k+ AWD street cars there including one of the fastest GTR's in the country.
Sounds awesome except 1 thing. Our trucks wheelbase may be too long.

lol it may but i believe that it moves forward and back and locks into place. idk i just wanted to know if anyone had attempted it before.

Clayton how do you know fathouse? im gunna spray a 200 shot to it if he will let me do it, could be cool lol.
Clayton how do you know fathouse? im gunna spray a 200 shot to it if he will let me do it, could be cool lol.

One of my best friends owned the white Evo drag car with him. I've always wanted to have fathouse build a set of twins, his fab work is hard to beat.