smokin around the town

no what im saying is that my pump went out and im replacing everyhting including the afc

Why are you replacing it? If the diaphragm is messed up you could prob get one from a puller on here that isn't running one.
i am a 19 year old kid and ya the only reason that i bought a diesel was for the SMOKE i mean come on who buys a diesel for really anything else???and no its not like i do it everytime i go out but its [art of the hours and hours of fun that comes along with a truck that smokes!!!! hell thats all i do i tell my dad i am going out to "cruz" but all i do is smoke people out and piss people off, and people everyday do what this guy here did so quit your epa *****in!!! epa could make laws out their ass and their will still be guys doing what this guy did. and still everyone everyday does this **** every truck that is turned up has smoked.. and everyone on here has gotten on their truck and it has smoked and dont lie you reading this have done this so raggin on some guy that video taped it is bull smack!

i am a 19 year old kid and ya the only reason that i bought a diesel was for the SMOKE i mean come on who buys a diesel for really anything else???
Any questions ?? :bang
Exactly. But, what it can do is show some of the younger enthusiasts that it isn't about smoke and it isn't welcome anymore. That's how I was turned around.

all the younger guys like the smoke... and your going to turn around and tell me that your truck can run good with no smoke but ya teenagers like me are stupid and we like the smoke. and that's just how it is
speak for yourself i hate how much smoke my truck blows but i love how fast it is and how much power so i deal with it and drive it like an old guy until i find a long empty road and then i hot rod the crap out of my truck
i am a 19 year old DOUCHEBAG and ya the only reason that i bought a diesel was for the SMOKE i mean come on who buys a diesel for really anything else???.............................dont lie you reading this have done this so raggin on some guy that video taped it is bull smack!


Why did I buy a Diesel ? Oh I don't know, Power, fuel economy,longevity, I hate spark plugs.

I was 25 when I bought my first one. I turned up my 5th one. I was 27,28.

Did I ever go out and park in front of Wally world and wait for people to come out and smoke them? NO.
And I would bet a lot of money, 99% of the people who own a turned up Diesel have not done it, either.

I really can't believe you guys are this dumb.
i am a 19 year old kid and ya the only reason that i bought a diesel was for the SMOKE i mean come on who buys a diesel for really anything else???and no its not like i do it everytime i go out but its [art of the hours and hours of fun that comes along with a truck that smokes!!!! hell thats all i do i tell my dad i am going out to "cruz" but all i do is smoke people out and piss people off, and people everyday do what this guy here did so quit your epa *****in!!! epa could make laws out their ass and their will still be guys doing what this guy did. and still everyone everyday does this **** every truck that is turned up has smoked.. and everyone on here has gotten on their truck and it has smoked and dont lie you reading this have done this so raggin on some guy that video taped it is bull smack!

When you start shaving maybe you'll get it. :hehe:
i must be grown up cause i get no pleasure in smoking people out.

my truck smokes enough as it is, i dont want any extra attention.

they have a brand new yellow F430 always riding around town with the top down, he wears a matching yellow ferrari hat.

i always think about smoking him out but then think what did he do to me?

NOTHING, so why bother him? plus he might be someone high up that could

could hurt the diesel community or something similar.
i am a 19 year old kid and ya the only reason that i bought a diesel was for the SMOKE i mean come on who buys a diesel for really anything else???
Possibly the STUPIDEST thing ever posted.

Grow up. We don't need immature idiots like you giving us a black eye every time you drive:bang

Maybe instead of being proud of your stupidity you could learn something and grow up.
what ever i am not going to get into it with a bunch of people over the computer.. my point is that this happens all the time people do this everyday and people talking on a form about it aint going to change anything so who really cares what people do with their stuff its their stuff to do what they want with it. and i am not trying to make anyone mad i will be the first person to admit that i am not mature enough to not blow smoke at people but i just think its funny! but this is just ridiculous with all this crap going on the guy made a video for fun and it has turned into a big big fiasco of all this whoo haa so you know i was just stating my opinion on the situation and am not meaning to add fuel to the fire... but that still doesnt change the fact that this happens all the time and getting angry about it over the computer isnt going to change anything so i just wanted to add that in their also.. you all have a good day and happy posting
I nominate that as the longest run-on sentence I have seen in a while.:bang

I know that people get kind of worked up on here, but please take others into consideration when posting. We love following the ongoing saga in these threads, but sometimes just reading through some of the posts gets a bit tiresome. Just separate complete thoughts and arguments, that way the rest of us can skip to the good parts.:poke:
GreenMeanie...IIRC your truck was done as a tribute to a family member of yours that passed away, correct?

Way to make them proud.....
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The A-Team has a job...

GreenMeanie, I'm not sure how to explain this to you. If you have read this thread and still think its all fine you are blind.

Tell ya what, since you think smoke is cool. When my engine is back together you come on down here. You can follow me, you will hate smoke when I'm done with you.