03-04 Tuning Options.....


PDP.com FireFighter
Aug 3, 2006
Ok, before we start, this isnt a whos tunes are better or anything like that, this is simply what options are out there....Right now with a pretty built motor, Im running just a Smarty. IMO, Smarty is good for stock to a few bolt ons. But Im much more than that. 200% overs, Dual CP3's, Cam 66/80 twins to give a little example. Anyone that knows anything is going to say, Im leaving a LOT on the table as far as tuning.

Im trying to narrow down some options for what Im looking for. I basicly want something that is a bit easier than pulling out a lap top and having to use an engineering degree to reprogram the truck. I just need 2 seperate tunes, a DD tune and a "Go for broke" tune.

Heres what I have kinda come up with

HP - My favorite option, but I REALLY dont want to have to carry a lap top around to change tunes

UDC - Heard some good things, but I just have a regular Smarty, so not sure how well that will jive

Edge - Still, just like the Smarty... Not the best for built motors

Smarty - Its ok, but there are small driving problems like low end fuel is a bit too high and I get a chug at 2k RPM no matter where I put it.... and at 2500 RPM, it might as well be a stock truck.....

What other options are out there? Id love to get a programmer, loaded with custom tunes for my truck, then be able to switch with that. Is there anything like that out there?

And as far as I know, HP is working to try and get something like that for the 03-04 trucks!?!?!?!
HP no question. Yeah carrying around a laptop in the truck is a little painful just to change a tune, but worth it to me. It'll be super nice if, and whenever they do come out with a switch.
HP no question. Yeah carrying around a laptop in the truck is a little painful just to change a tune, but worth it to me. It'll be super nice if, and whenever they do come out with a switch.

By any chance do you know the load time? Heck I think the fastest my smarty changes is like 15min.... that get old!!!

Whish they could atleast piggy back the smarty or something and just carry the tunes on a dongle
HPtuners, flash time of 7min. And with a good custom tune via HPtuners, there is no need for multiple tunes unless you don't want your girlfriend to drive it with big power on tap. I have a 1250HP tune in my quad cab that I daily drive and can tow the race trailer across a few states to a race, unhook and run 10.5 index. I have the tune setup where under 50% throttle there is not a big fuel quantity available, then after 50% it starts ramping in fuel and getting rowdy. A tune like that is easy to daily drive with good street manners and still have big power at the end of the skinny pedal.

I would get HP Tuners and don't look back.

I dyno'd roughly 315 with basic smarty tuning (level 3 or 5),
411 with UDC
and 512 with HP tuners

I can only imagine what it does with a truck like yours.
HPtuners, flash time of 7min. And with a good custom tune via HPtuners, there is no need for multiple tunes unless you don't want your girlfriend to drive it with big power on tap. I have a 1250HP tune in my quad cab that I daily drive and can tow the race trailer across a few states to a race, unhook and run 10.5 index. I have the tune setup where under 50% throttle there is not a big fuel quantity available, then after 50% it starts ramping in fuel and getting rowdy. A tune like that is easy to daily drive with good street manners and still have big power at the end of the skinny pedal.


Thank you sir! I always wondered that, if you changed tunes in the QC back and forth..... I like that 50% throttle use, that would solve exactly what I am looking for!!! with big injectors, it just like to haze all the time and Im not really fond of smoking people out at stop and go situations......that hasnt been able to be controlled with the tuning I have, so getting that to change would be really nice!

One thing I have worried about with HP, does it have to be live tuned to not buy the entire VCM suite? Thats kinda been my worry with it, kinda hard to throw down $1000 for just a single tune....
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