03 cuts out power, smokes, and dies need help

ole red rocket

New member
Mar 5, 2009
My 03 is making my head hurt... Truck will run fine for miles then out of the blue it will loose power and smoke a little and die if you let the rpms drop below 900...takes a second to crank but will start backup... I changed the apps sensor ($326 thanks dodge) but no help... i changed the airdog relay thinking it was getting hot drove it for a hour and then started acking up again... any idea's
How's your oil level? Is it dumping fuel? Problems with your injectors?

Does it correspond to fuel tank level?

Throwing any codes?
oil level is full, ''dumping fuel'' no more like a haze, could be injectors but i dont know... only codes is low lift pump voltage, and some other caused by the tst... took the tst off and same problems
Read the gem of knowledge below
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PRV! That's what it is. Plug it and see what it does. Black smoke and lack of power is tail tail sign of low rail pressure. And PRV's cracking open will cause that. And after you bleed off pressure and it reseats, it will crank back up. It's also explains why it's intermittent. I'm positive it's the rail relief valve. Call Todd at T&C diesel for the CPRV valve
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Dang Gibson beat me to it. Id guess the same. Like he said it explains why it is intermittent
my truck was doing that when my FCA was going out...
Unplug it and see if it starts

It will max rail pressure and sound like crap. So shut it down right away if it starts!Or u can check the voltage goin in. Should be 5v ground should be like .5
Not in his case. That type of testing won't work. That's for a no start scenerio.

In your case you need a scanner to see the data stream to the see the duty cycle or percentage of the FCA going down the road.

But it's Easier to just swap a freinds or another trucks FCA on to yours and test it for a few hours. Take 5 mins to swap and bam. You running.
Unplug the FCA while running sound sick!? Plug it back in recovery time under 30 seconds? Next time it dies touch the PRV is it to hot to touch? Did you say OH Sh%t!?PRV shot just get one in the mail from Todd and send in your core!
That can be both FCA or PRV. Touch the return off the PRV. Is it HOT? With FCA unplugged?
Id lean towards the fca then. But what gibson said only takes a second.

Basically unplugging a working fca will max rail pressure causing the engine to get a fuel knock. BUT if the PRV isnt hold pressure as it should it will open at a much lower pressure then normal causing the rail pressure to drop and not let it get that fuel knock.

Any way u can get a scanner and read the rail pressure. Could be the fuel pressure sensor on the cp3 as well
The rail pressure sensor is on the rail. Not cp3 for clarification. But ya. These little tips just take a few minutes.
Fca and fuel pressure regulator the same?

Lol no more posting from me on a long day like today was..... im giving up till i can think haha
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Fuel rail sensor tells ecm "need more pressure in the rail".
Ecm tells fca "we need more fuel"
When there's to much pressure in the rail the prv bypasses fuel to return line.
FCA and fuel pressure regulator are Infact the same.