04 stock file for hp tuners


Jun 8, 2008
Would anyone happen to have a 04 stock tune on file that I could copy. I have an 06 with an 04 long block.
All the electronics are 06 the block is stock 04. Any help much appreciated. If anyone would be willing to build me a tune to work let me know and we can work out payment. Thanks
Would anyone happen to have a 04 stock tune on file that I could copy. I have an 06 with an 04 long block.
All the electronics are 06 the block is stock 04. Any help much appreciated. If anyone would be willing to build me a tune to work let me know and we can work out payment. Thanks
An 04 file isn't going to work with your 06 electros.
What are you trying to fix? I have an 06 HP read out of a stock file somewhere.
If I'm not mistaken the 04 doesn't have the pre and post injection so I was hoping to copy the fuel maps for a starting point. I'm new to hp tuners so I would rather not practice on my father's truck, I will save that for my own.
If I'm not mistaken the 04 doesn't have the pre and post injection so I was hoping to copy the fuel maps for a starting point. I'm new to hp tuners so I would rather not practice on my father's truck, I will save that for my own.
I follow you now.

Honestly, my 06 based tune runs fine with pilot and post tables flat and shifting only the main timing to compensate. It is angry on cool mornings like an old 12V, but you could add in pilot to make up for that which shuts off at a specific rpm.

Maybe someone could share an 04 tune but most everyone is scared to death
I understand the wariness. I think I might have found what I need. I will update if it works.
I would like to see screenshots of the tables to see what they look like compared to what I have going on.