2.6 twin turbos


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Our pulling association here is allowing twins in the classes. They will only be teching the atmoshere turbo as a 2.6 So just wondering what you guys think of doing a 66x65 with 13cm housing over like a 66x74 with a 16cm housing. Would it work?
will they allow you to bush the atmosphere charger?
I would prefer the later of the two as a single.
No can't have bushings. If you do twins they have to be legit 2.6 chargers. You can run a single turbo with a clipped wheel though.
66 feeding a 66 would be the same as running a single 66, but it would spool even slower. Run a setup similar to BD twins, 57ish and a 66.
Nasty s200 charger with the 10(?) blade turbine, over a 66/71/ 1.0 or 1.1. I have a 1.51 for a 71mm turbine in my garage if ya need something to flow a bit.
I had a sweet new 60/73/14 bw s330 layn here but don't any more that thing would have been perfect
By being "legit", does that limit the primary to an S300 frame?

Just no bushings or clipped wheels is all they decided on. I was just throwin the idea around of the best twin setup to run. You can have a clipped wheel if you run a single turbo. I'm kinda thinkin about going that direction instead. But was just curious how two 66's would work. Are you thinkin about doing an s300 on top of an s466 of some sort smokem?
Most 2.6" clipped chargers are in the 75-80mm range on the compressor, 83-96mm on the turbine side. There is no way I would compound two S300's.
What about a 60 or 62 s300 over a 66 s400? Probably still go with the single clipped 2.6 anyhow. Anyone see any problem with a clipped 480 at 6k elevation? Most of our pulls are at that or more.