6.0 Complete minus harness

RPM Motorsports

Just another Duramax!
Mar 13, 2008
$2000, Complete 6.0 has the turbo, injectors ect. Has one bad head gasket, but still running perfect. It will be out of the truck in the am.
Sorry guy's it's been out, just moved on to the next project. Its from an 04 F-350 work truck. it popped the gasket pulling the grapevine down near LA. OD says 102k mi. im going to try and sell it complete, and will part it in a few weeks if it does not sell.
If i can get enough people that want parts, ill part it out. I dont want to be left with a bunch of parts laying around the shop. If you need something from this motor PM me or send me a text (209)509-9704 with what you want.
Only missing the injectors? I'm interested if it's still complete minus them.


Probably getting paid at work to post this from my D1
It was complete with the injectors last night, that's all that's missing. Give me a ring if interested.