Evidently I can’t do the math. 41000(top number)-20000(material cost) * .4= 8400(your commission). So 8400/51000=16.4%. Your previous story was 400k/1300k=30.7%. So the “math” doesn’t add up, but hey it is your story....
Never said 40* of the claim. Also these more profit in smaller builds.
It's 40% off the net following cost of build. Theres alot of variables that factor into a build cost. I've made basically $10k off a $30k roof that only cost $9k to build before. Major factor is price per square on the roof.
The quick math on the $1.3m was a bit high yes.
Factor majority of the jobs are about 30% cost to build is roughly $390k in materials and labor.
The remaining $910k is commissionable. Which comes in around $365k.
Variables can change on costs, but the money in roofing is insane in Texas. Hell there's guys out here that will sell out of their hopped up sports cars, Range Rovers, and of course brand new alumidutys on their "forces"
My main owner has already asked me what type of truck I'd like him to buy me as a thank you basically. Told him I maybe interested in one of the diesel Titans, he laughed and said "Nissan?, it's yours to keep so make sure you'll enjoy it and do with it as you please".
It's important to note, these sales results aren't typical...
For an avg Joe selling roofs doing 3 a month you should be able to make around $100k yr. In the month of November alone I sold 27 roofs, not including anything from December or the remodeling jobs sold aswell(those are capped at $10k per job).
I phucking love sales!
So now he's bragging about his income? Wtf? Can we move his useless bs over to another thread, I'm sure the OP is real happy where this went...
No beautiful!
Go reread Mr. Turbo hobbyists post repeatedly trying bring up roofing. It was ignored originally, yet hilariously took the man childs bully bait.LOL