8.72@150 detroit rail

That one is nice. There is another Detroit Rail out west. Austin is on their team I believe.
That is Team Diesel- Doug Doring. She went an 8.20 last season and this year we hope to see it dip into the 7's. And it is an altered- not a rail....
Met Doug at a local DDRA event, super nice guy. That Altered is sick, I wanna say his fastest pass as of yet was when he ran at Mason Dixon Dragway the day I was there.
I remember that day...good time right there. I seem to remember some vandels stealing some property that day...:evil:

Damned vandals. School busses will never be the same.......:evil

I remember Doug stuck an injector on the Detroit and Metal Man had a busted brakeline on his Ratty, Treesmasher and I snapped into action and provided some sucessful pit assistance and both Doug's went on to the next round.