8.85 @ 156 is Super Street trim...


Ezekiel 25:17
Apr 21, 2006
And not a single word about it?
Congrats Anthony and the whole XDP crew.
Sure didn't take long to beat that 9 flat that Minter did in Edmonton. Seems like records are dropping every race.
How many trucks are even in SS? And that's beyond an impressive number
Thanks man. Been somewhat kicked back trying to go rounds and win and waiting for the right time to try an 8. Had some suspension to dial in before we even thought about it. Then a couple guys got REAL close so figured we better do it sooner than later if we wanted to be the first.
Suspension helping the launch proved to be the ticket. We changed nothing on the tuning where we were running 9.14 on fuel. Put a single .09 jet and hit it at 3rd gear. If the timing is right we have a good amount of hp left and are pretty certain we can go 70's and possibly 60's. Soft launch to basically test the new suspension ended up running 5.74 @ 125.8 mph and 8.85 @ 156.7. DA was like 7400 so getting chargers lit was a nightmare. So I cooked my converter. Driver error forgetting about the altitude until about 30 seconds in to trying to spool. Very proud of the accomplishment and grateful for so many that helped. Whether it was parts, advice or just lending a hand. It's all been a significant help all year.
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Congrats! You guys have a fantastic team behind that truck.
Congrats!! SS is a tough class for sure, some serious hp in them trucks to say the least.

What's up with the idle though? Sounds like a hoped up 7.3 heui injection system, and no haze at idle which is awesome, Ben is tuning it right?
Lope tune, Bruh. Having him change it so it will roll coal at idle too!

Careful now, might attract to many mouth breathing window lickers smoking and loping at idle... Seriously though bens got it dialed :Cheer:
Anthony I never saw you near the truck back in the pits. I wanted to see the charger setup... what are you running for chargers anyway?
Congrats again man! Pretty happy to get a burnout box view of the pass! I was cheering from in the cab and yelling at the track officials if they saw it. They thought I was crazier than a soup sandwich.
Way to go Anthony, that's a tough track to go fast on. Are you coming to Billings?
Thanks guys. Billings is up in the air at the moment. Got stuck in a tough spot. Trans that was new and in the truck started giving me problems so I had to pull it out. Then I cooked the converter on the other trans I just put in. And not being back home has things irritating so I'll likely stand down and not hit billings. However I may still attend since I'm out this way already.
Any video of the pass?

Yes but.... They are all on facebook... I personally don't have any. I was flying solo this event. Industrial Injection has a couple from the starting line. I haven't seen a video surface so far from the stands. But I hope to see one.
The clip XDP posted on their IG (II made the clip I believe) was nice! Truck moves out like a damn boss!