913 pump - sort of?


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Help me out here guys - what have I got here? I got a 913 pump off a core engine that had cylinder issues (engine not pump), but got it as a "core" since the cause of the engine failure is unknown.

In looking it over, it does have the 913 tag, but the pump shaft is keyed??? Or more precisely, keyed then mashed down! No idea what to think here.

Guy that owned the truck said it ran "really good" but was not a diesel guy and did not mod the pump. Had a boost elbow and the AFC has been off - presumably by the previous, previous owner. He is supposed to be getting me the gear so I can look it over.

Hoping some pump guys may have insight as to why the shaft is/was keyed??

Here are some pics:

Stamped 181 DVs - unsure if the profile/shoulder is right for a -
181, but the holders look normal and the socket went on tight like they hadn't been off.

Another pic of the squashed/ground keyway:

Gov still safety wired and looks like the barrels have never been turned. All in all a stock 215 pump, but the shaft has me baffled.

I don't think it's anything special - just curious how/why a 913 pump off a 5 speed dodge would have the shaft keyed, and then ground down or something to fit?? Maybe?
I think it was keyed to assure nonslip on the gear? By some one trying to think of a way to keep his gear from slipping EVERY TIME they messed with it. . LOL
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I'm thinking someone had a bad case of paranoia about the key way, is all.
All of the P-7100s have a key way cut into the shaft, but I'm sure you knew that.

Just stuck me as pretty odd. Opened up the box and right after I read the tag to confirm, my brain screamed, "WTF happened here!?"
I'd try to get the key out and run it. Someone probably thought it needed one, which it doesn't. Odd for sure but the shaft looks ok to me