A how-to on cleaning and re-dyeing King Ranch seats


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 22, 2006
I ran across this info in a newsletter that was sent to me and thought I would pass it along.

QUESTION - How do I clean and re-dye King Ranch Ford P/U seats?

ANSWER - King Ranch seats are an unprotected leather called aniline.Clean with Tri Clean diluted with 50% water. Do not try to spot clean. Clean whole seat so the area dries the same color. The seats will darken some. Scrub with soft bristle brush for heavy stains.

To re-dye apply LCP Leather Conditioner/Protector over entire area. Allow to dry. This will allow the dye to lay evenly on the unprotected leather. Spray 2 or 3 coats of Aniline Dye matched to the King Ranch color, allowing to dry between coats. Add SL7 cross linker to last coat. Allow to dry. Spray a topcoat of AN Clear with SL7 added to give the leather a natural sheen and give depth to the color.
